What Can You Do with Google Analytics Skills?

Learn about the career paths and opportunities for those with Google Analytics knowledge.

Mastering Google Analytics, a powerful and free tool from Google, can open several new career opportunities in digital marketing and beyond. Learn how skills in Google Analytics can lead to roles such as Digital Marketing Data Analyst, Digital Marketer, Social Media Marketer, SEO/Web Optimization Specialist, and Marketing Manager, with the potential to earn a median yearly salary of $60,000 according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Key Insights

  • Google Analytics (GA) is a free tool that collects and tracks user data, aiding in the development of strategies to improve website or app performance.
  • Professionals in various roles including Digital Marketing Data Analyst, Digital Marketer, Social Media Marketer, SEO/Web Optimization Specialist, and Marketing Manager can leverage GA for insightful data.
  • GA can be used to analyze user behavior on a website or app, tracking the user experience from beginning to end.
  • The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that Marketing Analysts, who typically use GA, earn a median yearly salary of $60,000, with jobs expected to grow by 22 percent over the next ten years.
  • Beyond professional uses, Google Analytics can be used for personal promotion of products or services, analyzing web traffic, gauging organic reach, keyword research, and competitor research.
  • Noble Desktop offers comprehensive training in Google Analytics, preparing individuals for a career as a Data Analyst and equipping them with skills in digital marketing, SEO, and more.

Google Analytics is a free tool from Google that you can use to set goals and monitor performance. You can tell what users are doing when they visit your website and tweak digital marketing campaigns to make them more successful. If you are unsure that learning Google Analytics is right for you, consider reading on to learn more about the myriad uses of Google Analytics tools and techniques. Not only will learning Google Analytics open up many new career opportunities, but it also has a lot of potential personal uses.

What is Google Analytics?

Google Analytics (or GA) is a tool within the Google Marketing Platform that collects and tracks user data, compiles it into reports, and helps you develop strategies to improve your website or app’s performance. Just install a tracking code onto each page of your website to collect information about visitors and what they do there. GA can tell you what’s working and what isn’t, and the best part is it’s free to use. 

Read more about what Google Analytics is and why you should learn it.

Professional Uses for Google Analytics

Google Analytics gives businesses, entrepreneurs, and individuals valuable information about user behavior on a website or app. GA tracks the user experience from beginning to end and allows you to see how a user found your website, how long they were there, what pages they visited, and whether they made a purchase. You can also use GA insights to see where your site is falling short and how you can improve performance.

Once you master Google Analytics, there are several digital marketing-related careers where you can use this skill. Digital Marketing Data Analysts, Digital Marketers, Social Media Marketers, SEO/Web Optimization Specialists, and Marketing Managers all use Google Analytics as part of their jobs. Salaries for Marketing Analysts vary widely depending on the location. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that Marketing Analysts earn a median yearly salary of $60,000, and jobs are expected to grow by 22 percent during the next ten years.

Digital Marketing Data Analyst

Google Analytics Bootcamp: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, Learn From Experts, Free Retake, Small Class Sizes,  1-on-1 Bonus Training. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

Digital Marketing Data Analysts use tools like Google Analytics to collect and analyze digital marketing data. They use the data to create reports and visualizations to share the results with other digital marketing team members.

Digital Marketer

Digital Marketers promote products and services on the internet using tools like Google Analytics and others to create highly targeted audiences for content and paid advertising and to assess the effectiveness of a digital marketing campaign. 

Social Media Marketer

Social Media Marketers use both paid and unpaid search campaigns to reach a target audience on social media platforms. In addition to Google Analytics, Social Media Marketers also use analytics tools specific to each platform to monitor content performance and follower interaction. 

SEO/Web Optimization Specialist

SEO/Website Optimization Specialists use data collection and keyword research to design and monitor Search Engine Optimization strategies. They make sure the website is up-to-date and performing well, make presentations to the marketing team, and build backlinks to increase website trustworthiness.

Marketing Manager

Managers have a personnel role in addition to their marketing responsibilities. A Digital Marketing Manager oversees all aspects of a campaign, including supervising team members. Because they are in charge of the campaign, they need to know tools like Google Analytics to supervise other employees.

Other Uses for Google Analytics

Many people use Google Analytics as part of a job, but you can also use it to promote your own products, services, or position. Because it is free to use, GA is accessible to anyone who wants to learn it. 

Analyze Web Traffic

Google Analytics can tell you who is visiting your website and when, as well as what they do there. GA lets you set performance indicators to give you the necessary information to make decisions. If you want to encourage users to take an action, you can use the data to make changes to your website or paid advertising.

Gauge Organic Reach

You can use data tools like Google Analytics to see how social media posts and interactions perform. If you are trying to create a following for a group or brand, data collected through GA can tell you when to post content to catch your audience’s attention and help you see how your campaign is doing.

Keyword Research

Choosing the right keywords and phrases is the foundation of digital marketing, especially for free or organic searches. Google Analytics helps you see which keywords will work the best for your project and then lets you track their performance.

Competitor Research

No matter the size of your business, competitor research is vital. It’s important to monitor what your competition is doing, and Google Analytics can do that. You can discover which of your competitors are visiting your website and separate them from other users.

Learn Google Analytics Skills with Noble Desktop

Sign up for Noble Desktop’s Google Analytics Bootcamp to learn how to set up an account, which metrics to track, and how to generate reports. The classes also cover the upcoming change from Google Analytics Universal to GA4 in July 2024. 

You can also prepare for a career as a Data Analyst with Noble’s Digital Marketing Certificate. The course includes digital marketing, SEO, and Google Analytics bootcamps, plus Google Ads and classes on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter marketing, and content marketing with blogs.

Key Takeaways

  • Google Analytics is a tool that collects and tracks user data.
  • Digital Marketing Data Analysts use Google Analytics to track what users do on websites and apps.
  • Some careers that involve Google Analytics include:
    • Data Analyst
    • Digital Marketer
    • Social Media Marketer
    • SEO/Web Optimization Specialist
    • Marketing Manager
  • Individuals, entrepreneurs, and businesses can also use Google Analytics for these functions:
    • Analyze web traffic
    • Gauge organic reach
    • Keyword research
    • Competitor research
  • Get comprehensive Google Analytics training through Noble Desktop, either in-person or online.

How to Learn Google Analytics

Master Google Analytics with hands-on training. Google Analytics is a platform that digital marketing professionals use to monitor and collect data on website traffic.

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