Learn Dreamweaver

A Comprehensive Guide to Start Learning Dreamweaver

Dreamweaver is an Adobe software program created in 1997 and used for designing websites. It allows users to create a website without knowledge of HTML or other programming languages. Popular when it was first released, Dreamweaver is now only used by a small percentage of Web Designers, with most people favoring other design applications. However, it can be a valuable tool for those who want to stay within the Adobe ecosystem. In this overview, you’ll learn more about what Dreamweaver is, what it can do, who uses it, and how to learn it so you can determine how to add this skill to your professional toolbox.

Learn about Adobe's Dreamweaver; a software application used for designing websites, perfect for those pursuing a career in web design. This guide offers insights on how to learn Dreamweaver, the careers that commonly use it, and the salaries you can expect in the field.

Key Insights

  • Dreamweaver is a downloadable Adobe software program used for designing websites. It integrates with other Adobe Creative Cloud applications, providing flexibility for web designers.
  • Web Designers who know how to use Dreamweaver are needed in almost every industry today. US News ranked web design number six in its list of Best Technology Jobs of 2022.
  • The fields of web design include Front End Developers, Back End Developers, UX Designers, Application Designers, Information Architects, and Visual Designers.
  • Noble Desktop offers several methods to learn Dreamweaver, including live or on-demand classes, and free online resources.
  • The US Bureau of Labor reported that in 2021, the median pay for Web Developers and Digital Designers was $78,300 per year. The field is expected to grow 23 percent between 2021 and 2031.
  • Dreamweaver can be learned without prior knowledge of HTML, CSS, or other programming languages. However, a basic understanding of these can help streamline the learning process.

Dreamweaver is an Adobe software application used for designing websites. It is a popular choice for designers who already have Adobe Creative Cloud or want to stay within the Adobe ecosystem. If you’ve always wanted to learn Dreamweaver but can’t figure out how to get started, this guide is for you. Here, you’ll learn more about the various ways to learn Dreamweaver, free resources to take advantage of, and the types of careers that commonly use Dreamweaver.

What is Dreamweaver?

Dreamweaver is a downloadable Adobe software program used for designing websites and webpages. It works with either Windows or Mac. Using Dreamweaver, designers can create their own websites from scratch or use the provided starter template pages. The program integrates with other Adobe Creative Cloud applications, making importing content from any Adobe app easy.

With Dreamweaver, there are two different ways to design. Users without any knowledge of HTML can use live view, where Dreamweaver generates the required code and displays the content as it will look in a web browser. Users who know HTML can type their code into the program’s code editor. These users will also be able to take advantage of Dreamweaver’s more advanced design options.

This application was created in 1997 and became a popular web design tool. However, in recent years, Dreamweaver has decreased in popularity, with many designers opting for programs such as Visual Studio Code or WordPress instead. It is still used by some Web Designers, though the overall percentage of websites created with Dreamweaver is estimated to be small. Dreamweaver is most popular among people who already have Adobe Creative Cloud or want to stay within the Adobe ecosystem.

Read more about what Dreamweaver is and why you should learn it.

What Can You Do with Dreamweaver?

Web Designers create and maintain websites. In some cases, one person is responsible for an entire website, while in other cases, several team members may work on the job. Knowing how to use Dreamweaver or another web design program can help a designer get started in the field of web design. Web Designers are needed in almost every industry since the majority of businesses and organizations now have websites. US News ranked web design number six in its list of Best Technology Jobs of 2022.

There are many different specialties within the field of web design. Front End Developers specialize in creating the part of the website that users see and interact with, such as the overall layout and individual features like logos or links. Back End Developers work on things that the user does not interact with but are essential to the website's function, like creating and maintaining the database. User experience (UX) design is another job related to web design. A UX Designer ensures that website users have the best experience possible. This includes ensuring that a website is intuitive and easy to use and that the experience is enjoyable for the user.

People with web design knowledge can also work in many other jobs. For example, some Web Designers end up as Application Designers, who develop applications for specific devices such as computers or mobile phones. Information Architects help make information on a website easier to find and understand. Visual Designers are responsible for the aesthetics of a website and work on things such as making sure it engages users. Overall, there are many ways to utilize knowledge of web design.

Careers that Use Dreamweaver

Almost every industry needs designers who know how to create websites with Dreamweaver or other web design programs because websites have become an essential part of life worldwide. Many businesses and organizations have their own websites, and surveys show that many people now visit websites before they call or visit a company in person. 

The US Bureau of Labor lists the largest employers of Web Developers and Digital Designers. It reports that the largest category of employers is companies that work in computer systems design and related services. Other major employers are software publishers, educational services, advertising and public relations, finance and insurance, and retail. The Bureau also reports on the states with the highest employment level for web and digital interface designers. These are Washington, California, New York, Texas, and North Carolina.

Statistics show that web design is likely to be an excellent field to work in both now and in the future. The Bureau of Labor finds that in 2021, the median pay for Web Developers and Digital Designers was $78,300 per year. It predicts that employment in this field will grow much faster than average in the next ten years. Between 2021 and 2031, the organization projects that overall employment for Web Developers and Digital Designers will grow 23 percent, with about 21,800 new job openings each year.

Why Learn Dreamweaver?

After learning Dreamweaver or another web design program, a designer can create or edit websites. Websites have become an essential part of business and communication around the world. A website is a way to showcase a product, business, or other types of organizations and to create public awareness of it. It also allows members of the public to research that brand or entity. For these reasons, most companies now have a website, and many without one plan to create one in the future. As a result, website design is a valuable and desirable skill. 

Not only are websites needed in almost every industry, but people with the skills to build good websites are particularly valuable. A website’s design can have a significant impact on the audience. For instance, a good design can attract people and give them confidence in the site. In contrast, a bad design can frustrate or deter people from a website. There are many employment opportunities for Web Designers who can create good sites.

Read more about why you should learn Dreamweaver.

How to Learn Dreamweaver

Students who want to learn Dreamweaver or another website design program can opt for either live or on-demand classes. Each format has its own benefits and drawbacks. In addition, students who want to learn website design can take advantage of numerous free online resources.

Live classes are generally considered the best way to learn Dreamweaver and other web design programs because students receive real-time instruction and instructor feedback. They can also collaborate and network with other students, enhancing the learning experience. Students who want these benefits but cannot attend a live in-person class can enroll in a live online class. Live online classes also include live interaction and feedback, but rather than having to commute to a school classroom, students can attend from any location as long as they can sign on at the scheduled time.

Another way to learn web design is through an on-demand class. This format lacks some of the interaction of a live option but has far greater flexibility. On-demand courses let students learn at their own pace, spreading the syllabus over weeks or months if needed. Another benefit of an on-demand education is the lack of a commute. Students who enroll in on-demand training need to consider that they may find it more challenging to stay focused and motivated because of the lack of a live instructor and a classroom full of peers.

A final way to learn Dreamweaver and other web design programs are through free online seminars, tutorials, and other guides. Noble Desktop’s Learning Hub is an excellent place to find free information about Dreamweaver. Noble also has several free seminars on topics related to web design. YouTube can be another good free resource. For instance, it has many web design tutorials and overviews.

Read the full guide on how to learn Dreamweaver.

Free Introductory Dreamweaver Course Online 

Those who want to learn more about Dreamweaver and other web design programs, but aren’t ready to commit to a paid class, can find some free introductory courses online through Noble Desktop. For instance, Get Started in Web Design is an overview of how HTML and CSS are used to create webpages. 

For Dreamweaver specifically, there are some free tutorials on other websites. For instance, a YouTube search will return a number of options. Udemy is another place to find a free Dreamweaver tutorial for beginners. Students can also access Adobe’s website to access numerous free Dreamweaver tutorials.

Students who decide to utilize free online courses should be careful to check the reliability and truthfulness of their information. To assess reliability, experts advise checking the author’s credentials or researching the information source. Sometimes, online tutorials and other free resources must be updated or corrected.

Read about more free Dreamweaver videos and online tutorials.

Level of Difficulty, Prerequisites, & Cost 

How difficult it is to learn Dreamweaver depends on how much web design knowledge a student already has. Dreamweaver functions so that it’s accessible for people who don’t know much about web design. For instance, rather than writing code, designers can use existing templates and drag-and-drop features. However, many Dreamweaver users comment that while the program’s basic features can be relatively easy to use, it is more challenging to master the more advanced features of Dreamweaver. This is especially true if the user has no prior web design knowledge. So while it can be reasonably easy to master the basics of Dreamweaver quickly, users who want to get the most out of the program will need to invest more time learning how to use all of its features.

Dreamweaver users do not need to know HTML, CSS, or other programming languages to use this application. However, it can be helpful. Many people report that the Dreamweaver learning curve can be steep for those without HTML and CSS coding experience. In addition, designers who use Dreamweaver without prior programming experience may need help troubleshooting any problems they encounter as they build their websites.

To get Dreamweaver, users need to pay a monthly subscription fee. The application is part of Adobe Creative Cloud. Adobe charges $20.99 per month for Dreamweaver only. Users can also choose to subscribe to all Creative Cloud apps for $54.99 per month. The business price for Dreamweaver is $35.99 per month per license or $84.99 per month for all Creative Cloud apps. 

Read about how difficult it is to learn Dreamweaver.

How Does Learning Dreamweaver Compare to Other Applications?

Dreamweaver is one of many applications that Web Designers use to build websites. In fact, in recent years, many designers have begun to prefer other apps instead. WordPress is one of the most popular. Like Dreamweaver, WordPress doesn't require knowledge of HTML or other programming languages. However, that knowledge is helpful for anyone trying to build a website, no matter their application. Unlike Dreamweaver, WordPress comes in a free version. According to the WordPress website, more than 43 percent of all websites use this platform. 

Visual Studio Code is another popular web design app. Like WordPress, it is free. VS Code is a code editor used to build and debug websites. Overall, the app is more challenging to learn. Students who want to learn VS Code should have prior experience writing code.

Wix and Squarespace are two other popular web-building applications. Wix is a user-friendly program with a free basic version or a paid premium version that includes additional features. Squarespace is also easy to use, even for beginning Web Designers. It has a drag-and-drop editor designed to make it simple for any company to build its own website. Designers who want to use Squarespace need to pay a monthly subscription fee.

How to Decide the Best Way to Learn Dreamweaver

Students trying to decide the best way to learn Dreamweaver need to consider several factors, including how much time they can devote to a class, what level of help they need, how much they can pay, and what they plan to do with their knowledge. Web design classes come in many different formats, and by answering these questions first, students will be able to narrow down their options. 

Those looking for a basic understanding of a particular web design application may start by looking for free classes. Noble Desktop has free web design seminars on a variety of topics. For instance, Intro to WordPress doesn’t require any coding experience and can help students start learning about this app. Intro to JavaScript is another free seminar offered by Noble. 

However, while free classes can be helpful, students who want to master a particular web design program will probably need to take a paid course where they can receive expert instruction. Another benefit of paid classes is that many include mentoring and career support to ensure that students not only learn the program but can find a job where they can utilize their new skills. Noble Desktop is one place to get expert instruction in web design. The school runs both part-time and full-time classes, either online or live, at its facility in New York City.

Noble and other class providers offer different types of web design classes to suit the varied needs of their students. Some students want additional web design knowledge in order to fill a gap in their skills or to grow within their current roles. For them, bootcamps like Advanced HTML & CSS can be a good option. Those who want a more comprehensive class can choose a certificate program like Web Design Certificate. A certificate program can be a good choice for students who want to master web design to transition to a new career or industry.

Learn Dreamweaver with Hands-on Training at Noble Desktop

Noble Desktop teaches hands-on web design courses in a variety of formats, with something to fit every type of schedule and learning style. Every class is small and led by expert instructors. Noble also offers a free retake for all of its courses. With the free retake, students can retake a course once within a year without paying for it again. This can be an excellent way to gain additional web design skills.

One popular type of class at Noble Desktop is a web design bootcamp. Bootcamps are intensive programs that teach skills quickly and focus on preparing graduates to use those skills in the workplace. In 2020, tech company HackerRank surveyed 116,000 developers from 162 countries about coding bootcamps and found that about a third of hiring managers hired developers who gained their skills from a bootcamp. Noble Desktop teaches many bootcamps related to web design, including Visual Design Portfolio Bootcamp.

Students looking for a more in-depth web design course can enroll in Noble’s Web Design Certificate. This comprehensive program takes six weeks full-time or five months part-time and teaches students to build websites using WordPress. Students in the certificate program will also learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript coding languages and Figma for webpage layouts.

Web Design Certificate: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, 0% Financing, 1-on-1 Mentoring, Free Retake, Job Prep. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.
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