Explore the steps towards becoming a Digital Marketer without needing a college degree. Learn about the roles of a Digital Marketer, how to break into the industry and the variety of courses available to suit your learning style and career aspirations.

Key Insights

  • You can become a Digital Marketer without a degree by demonstrating your abilities, usually through a portfolio of your work. These skills can be acquired through bootcamps and certification programs.
  • Digital Marketers utilize social media platforms, website content, email campaigns, advertising, and video marketing to connect businesses with their target audience. They use data analytics to identify potential customers and create detailed audience profiles.
  • Starting your career in digital marketing involves making the decision to start, learning about digital marketing, completing projects, building a portfolio, making industry connections, and then starting the job search.
  • Noble Desktop offers a variety of digital marketing courses including in-person and live online classes. They also provide specific channel courses such as Facebook Marketing, Email Marketing, Social Media Content Marketing: Blogs & Twitter, and Video Marketing: TikTok & YouTube.
  • Building a portfolio is a crucial step in securing a job in digital marketing. This portfolio should showcase your best work and include your resume and contact information.
  • Networking is a valuable tool in the digital marketing industry. Utilizing platforms such as MeetUp, LinkedIn, and various employment websites can help find job opportunities and connect with other professionals.

Can you become a Digital Marketer without a degree? While many job ads request that applicants have college degrees, many companies are more interested in your abilities than your education. You can learn digital marketing through bootcamp and certification programs and still get a job with an impressive portfolio. 

What is a Digital Marketer?

Over half the world’s population uses the internet, and businesses have noticed. Most companies and organizations have a website and use digital marketing to reach potential customers or clients. Digital Marketers use social media platforms, website content, email campaigns, paid and unpaid advertising, and video marketing to promote goods and services to a target audience.

Digital Marketers use data analytics to identify an audience likely to be interested in the products or services they sell. Next, they create a detailed description of that audience, focusing on the pain points and problems the product will solve. Then, Digital Marketers set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to measure the marketing campaign's performance. Common KPIs are sales goals or increasing traffic to a website.

After setting goals and determining strategy, Digital Marketers create high-quality content to engage the audience and place it near the top of search engine pages. After posting the content on social media, Digital Marketers use tools like Google Analytics, SEMRush, or Moz to analyze its performance. Digital Marketers also interact with followers on social media through the company’s brand voice. 

Some Digital Marketers work for agencies and take care of many accounts, while others work for one company. Some are employed in-house, while others work remotely. Digital Marketers in agencies and larger companies often work as part of a team. They may only be responsible for one part of the workload, such as content marketing, SEO, or data analytics. Many people start their careers as freelance Digital Marketers working at home by themselves or in small startups.

Digital Marketing Certificate: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, 0% Financing, 1-on-1 Mentoring, Free Retake, Job Prep. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

Read more about what a Digital Marketer does.

What Skills Do Digital Marketers Need? 

To thrive in a digital marketing role, it’s crucial to have a robust skill set comprised of both technical and soft skills. These skills can be acquired in a variety of ways, ranging from professional courses to self-study practices. Here’s an overview of the top skills needed to become a Digital Marketer:

Technical Skills

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Tools

SEO tools are fundamental for any Digital Marketer who needs to increase a website’s visibility across search engines. These specific tools help optimize web content to make sure it ranks higher in search results and make it easier for potential customers to find the site. Some of the key SEO tools, like Google Search Console, provide insights into keyword performance, backlink profiles, and site health, and mastering these tools enables Digital Marketers to track the effectiveness of their SEO strategies. By utilizing SEO tools, you can create content that not only attracts traffic but also aligns with search engine algorithms, boosting your site's ranking and driving organic growth.

SEM (Search Engine Marketing) Tools

SEM tools are used to manage paid search campaigns and drive targeted traffic to a website. Specifically, tools like Google Ads allow these professionals to monitor and optimize pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns through features such as keyword bidding, ad creation, and performance tracking. Taking the time to master these SEM tools means marketers can strategically place ads where potential customers are most likely to see them and maximize the advertising budget. SEM tools also offer detailed analytics, which help explain which ads are performing well and where to make adjustments. This data-driven approach ensures that campaigns are successful, leading to higher conversion rates.


Analytics tools are the backbone of tracking and measuring the performance of digital marketing efforts. Platforms like Google Analytics provide in-depth insights into user behavior, website traffic, and campaign effectiveness, as well as which strategies are working and which need improvement. Analytics tools also allow marketers to set and track key performance indicators (KPIs) to make sure campaigns stay aligned with business goals. Additionally, they help identify trends and patterns that can fuel future marketing strategies.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is used in digital marketing to cultivate leads and maintain customer relationships. Platforms like Mailchimp and HubSpot help Digital Marketers create, automate, and analyze these campaigns with tools like customizable templates, segmentation options, and performance analytics. As a whole, email marketing involves crafting subject lines that grab the readers' attention and clear calls to action to drive conversions Utilizing these tools allows for important processes like automated follow-up sequences, tracking click-through rates, and optimizing campaigns based on performance data. This confirms that messages reach the right people at the right time to enhance engagement and brand loyalty.

Social Media Management

Mastering social media management tools means marketers can oversee a brand's presence across different platforms. It’s common for these professionals to use these tools to schedule posts, monitor engagement, and analyze performance from a single dashboard. Many social media management platforms provide features such as content calendars, analytics, and social listening, which essentially allow marketers to manage multiple accounts from one place. Overall, social media management tools are vital for building a strong online presence, fostering a sense of brand community, and driving traffic to a website.

PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Advertising

PPC advertising tools assist with managing paid ad campaigns that attract targeted traffic to your website. Platforms like Google Ads provide the tools needed to bid on keywords, set budgets, and monitor ad performance in real-time. However, effective PPC advertising requires selecting the right keywords, creating compelling ad copy, and continuously adjusting bids to maximize ROI. By utilizing PPC tools, marketers can reach potential customers when they are searching for products or services, which in turn drives high-intent traffic to a site.

Web Development Basics

A fundamental understanding of web development is truly vital for Digital Marketers across numerous industries. For example, proficiency in HTML, CSS, and content management systems (CMS) like WordPress allows you to make minor website edits as well as enhance functionality and appearance. Basic web development skills can also help with important tasks like optimizing landing pages for better user experience and SEO, as well as confirming the site is accessible. Overall, understanding how websites are built and maintained helps you communicate more effectively with developers and troubleshoot minor issues independently. These skills also allow for the implementation of tracking codes, managing plugins, and ensuring a website is mobile-friendly.

Soft Skills


Creativity is the cornerstone of successful marketing, as it allows marketers to generate innovative ideas and develop unique approaches to engage their audiences. In a crowded digital landscape, standing out from the crowd requires more than just technical knowledge; it demands the ability to think outside the box and create content that resonates with the target audiences. This is often achieved through developing memorable campaigns, designing visually appealing graphics, writing persuasive copy, and creating social media strategies. Creativity also plays a role in problem-solving, where marketers must compose solutions to unexpected challenges. Creativity, therefore, is not just about artistic flair; it is about applying imaginative thinking to achieve marketing objectives and drive growth.


Much of a Digital Marketer's role includes conveying messages clearly and interacting with various team members or clientele. This type of communication can include anything from writing content for blogs, social media posts, and email campaigns to creating persuasive ad copy. Verbal communication is equally important, whether it's presenting campaign ideas to clients, collaborating with team members, or negotiating with vendors. Effective communication, as a whole, is crucial for facilitating smooth teamwork because clear communication helps prevent misunderstandings and aligns everyone toward a common goal. Additionally, strong skills can be influential when it comes to building and maintaining relationships with clients, long-term partnerships, and repeat business. By mastering both written and verbal communication, Digital Marketers can enhance their ability to influence, persuade, and connect with others in the industry.


Problem-solving involves navigating complexities and challenges that arise in campaigns. For Digital Marketers, identifying issues quickly and developing solutions is important for maintaining campaign momentum and achieving results. Problem-solving involves analytical thinking to understand the root causes of problems, as well as creative thinking to come up with outside-the-box solutions. It also requires decisiveness and the confidence to implement changes with little to no oversight. Whether it's addressing a sudden drop in website traffic, managing a social media crisis, or optimizing underperforming ads, practical problem-solving skills ensure that marketers can respond proactively and strategically.

Project Management

Digital Marketers often juggle multiple campaigns and tasks simultaneously, which is where project management skills come into play. Mastering project management is a way to ensure that all aspects of a marketing campaign are coordinated and executed correctly, from planning and resource allocation to timeline management and quality control. This can involve tasks like setting clear goals, defining roles and responsibilities, and establishing timelines to keep the project on track. Additionally, project management requires excellent organizational skills to manage different elements such as budgets, deadlines, and deliverables. Digital Marketers with project management skills can rest assured that their campaigns are delivered on time, within budget, and to the highest standard.

Team Collaboration

Team collaboration involves working with different departments to achieve a common goal. This can range but often includes leveraging the skills and perspectives of each team member to create an impactful marketing campaign, build trust, foster open communication, and resolve conflicts. Collaborative Digital Marketers are adept at coordinating with designers, content creators, analysts, and other team members to create elements of a campaign that align with and support the overall strategy. They also recognize the value of collective brainstorming and feedback, which can lead to more creative solutions. 

Attention to Detail

Within the digital marketing scope, one of the most crucial tasks is verifying that all materials and campaigns are accurate and polished. This skill specifically involves proofreading content, carefully analyzing data, and thoroughly reviewing all elements to avoid inconsistencies. High attention to detail also ensures that messages are compelling and free of mistakes, which is important when it comes to maintaining brand credibility. It also plays a significant role in optimizing performance, as detailed analysis can reveal opportunities for improvement that might be overlooked otherwise. 

Can You Really Become a Digital Marketer Without a Degree?

Yes, you can become a Digital Marketer if you don’t have a college degree or if you have a degree in an unrelated field. You can sign up for classes, then build a website and experiment with your own campaign. Do some free or low-cost work for friends to polish your skills before applying for jobs in digital marketing.

Steps to Become a Digital Marketer

Decide to Start

This might seem simplistic, but before you can start something, you have to make a decision to do it. Maybe you’ve noticed articles on the internet about digital marketing or have a friend who works in the field. This has piqued your interest, and you want to learn more. Start with some questions like, What do Digital Marketers Do? How much do Digital Marketers Earn? Is Digital Marketer a good career choice for me?

Once you have your questions, you can start your research. There are many videos on YouTube that can help you find answers. There are also digital marketing podcasts and blogs, and you can find information sessions or career fairs in some areas. As you gain answers to your questions, the way forward should become clearer. If Digital Marketer sounds like an interesting career, it’s time for the next step.

Learn Digital Marketing

After you make the decision to become a Digital Marketer, you need to figure out how to learn it. You can learn digital marketing by signing up for training courses, either in-person, live online, or on-demand. There are many programs to choose from, so think about what works best for you, make a list of preferences, and look for classes that tick the most boxes. If you prefer working with an instructor and interacting with other students, choose an in-person or live online class. If you prefer to go it alone at your own pace, on-demand classes may be the place to start.

Noble Desktop offers digital marketing courses that teach the skills you need to start a career in the field. You can choose in-person classes at Noble Desktop’s New York City location or attend live online digital marketing courses via video conferencing from anywhere in the world. You can also find other digital marketing courses, bootcamps, and certificate programs in your area using Noble Desktop’s Classes Near Me tool. Noble Desktop also offers classes on specific channels, such as Facebook Marketing, Email Marketing, Social Media Content Marketing: Blogs & Twitter, and Video Marketing: TikTok & YouTube, among others. Other resources that can help you prepare for a career in digital marketing include Noble’s digital marketing blog, which has detailed articles about many aspects of digital marketing. 

Complete Projects

Once you have some training, it’s time to get to work, but how are you going to do that? It can be tough to break into a new industry, but it is possible to get hired as a Digital Marketer without a lot of experience. Start out with volunteer work. There are many non-profit groups out there who want to publicize what they do, but they can’t afford to hire someone to do their marketing. You can find a lot of work this way, and while you usually won’t make any money, each assignment you take helps you gain experience, build skills, and make connections that will be useful when you are applying for jobs.

Another way to gain digital marketing experience is by starting a project of your own. Start a blog and learn how to build an email list. Learn how to use tools like Google Analytics to drive more traffic to your website. If you have a craft hobby, create a webstore and experiment with marketing your products. Whatever you choose, be sure to take screenshots, save images, and keep examples of your work to put in your portfolio.

Build a Portfolio 

When you start your job search, you will need a portfolio. This is a website featuring your resume, contact information, and examples of your work. You can pull examples from class projects, passion projects, or volunteer work. Many training programs offer instruction in how to put together a portfolio and design their assignments to give you something to show to prospective employers.

There are a few things to keep in mind when you are building your portfolio. Choose three to five of your best projects to showcase. Any more than that will be overwhelming. You can put links to all of your work on another page on your website, but choose the very best for your home page, and make sure to use the highest quality images you have. Add a page with your resume of relevant jobs and include volunteer work if this will be your first paid digital marketing job. You can also add a page for testimonials and references if you have them.

Make Industry Connections 

Networking can help you find a job in digital marketing, but where do you find other professionals? Some larger cities have digital marketing groups that meet periodically. Check out MeetUp for your area to see if there is a digital marketing group. Search for digital marketing groups on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. LinkedIn is a good place to make connections, too.

Start the Job Search 

Now you are ready to start looking for a job as a Digital Marketer. Open a LinkedIn account and create a profile. Add links to your resume and portfolio, and go to the jobs section on the site. LinkedIn will send you notifications of advertisements that match your skills. Sign up for some of the many employment websites, like Indeed.com and Glassdoor.com, where companies advertise jobs. You can get email notifications of relevant jobs and easily apply if you have your resume and portfolio added to the websites. 

More Helpful Tips to Become a Digital Marketer Quickly

Accelerating your journey to becoming a Digital Marketer involves a combination of strategic actions and continuous learning. Here are some additional tips to help you get there faster:

Build a Personal Brand

Creating a strong personal brand is important for any marketer looking to stand out in the industry. It may seem intimidating, but many start by building a professional online presence through platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, or a personal website. These platforms allow for sharing insights and demonstrating skills by posting relevant content, engaging with trends, and networking with other professionals. A well-crafted personal brand can also help attract potential employers and clients by highlighting your unique value proposition. Overall, building a personal brand enhances visibility and provides a platform to showcase accomplishments, making it easier to gain recognition in this competitive field.

Stay Updated

Marketing is an incredibly fast-moving field, so staying updated with the latest technologies is necessary for maintaining a competitive edge. Many Digital Marketers set aside time regularly to read industry blogs, as well as subscribe to newsletters, and follow thought leaders on social media to stay on top of new strategies. There’s also the possibility of attending conferences, watching webinars, and participating in online courses to stay updated. This forward-thinking proactive approach is an excellent way to guarantee that your skills are always aligned with the industry's dynamic nature to deliver successful marketing solutions.

Leverage Free Resources

Utilizing free resources is an excellent way to boost digital marketing skills without any significant financial investment. There are many reputable platforms that offer tools and educational content at no cost, covering marketing topics, including SEO, social media marketing, email marketing, and analytics. Additionally, there are free tools like Google Analytics and Hootsuite that can help you practice your learning in real time. Taking advantage of the vast selection of free resources allows marketers across numerous sectors to build a strong foundation that will be instrumental in their career growth.

Practice Consistently

Consistent practice is the key to mastering digital marketing skills and advancing your career. The best way to start is by applying what you've learned in real-world scenarios, whether through personal projects, internships, or even freelance work. You can create your own blog, manage social media accounts, or run small ad campaigns to gain hands-on experience, but be sure to document your progress, analyze the results, and refine your techniques based on what works best. Consistent practice will build your confidence and help you develop a strong portfolio that showcases your unique capabilities.

Seek Mentorship

A mentor, who is an experienced professional in the field, can provide valuable guidance and feedback to aspiring marketers based on their own experiences. These professionals can help you navigate the complexities of marketing, avoid common pitfalls, and accelerate your learning curve. Mentors can also offer career advice, help you set and achieve goals, and introduce you to valuable networking opportunities. To find a mentor, start by connecting with professionals through LinkedIn or attending local networking events. It can seem challenging at first, but building a mentor-mentee relationship based on trust and mutual respect can provide you with personalized support and direction, making it easier to overcome challenges and advance in your career.

Learn the Skills to Become a Digital Marketer at Noble Desktop

Noble Desktop offers many digital marketing courses that teach skills to help you switch to a career in digital marketing. Small class sizes and expert instructors help you learn digital marketing in in-person or live online classes. Plus, you can take a course over again for free at any time during the following year. 

Noble Desktop offers many bootcamps in digital marketing, such as Facebook Marketing, Email Marketing, Social Media Content Marketing: Blogs & Twitter, and Video Marketing: TikTok & YouTube. You can also choose the Digital Marketing Certificate or a Social Media Marketing Certificate course. Other Noble Desktop resources that can help prepare for a career in digital marketing include the digital marketing blog with valuable articles about social media marketing, SEO, and other essential tools for Digital Marketers.