Web development is an exciting career path with outstanding growth potential. It’s also one of the few careers that allow you to earn six figures without completing a university education. Want to know how? Here are the three steps you need to follow to become a Web Developer without a college degree:

Step 1: Acquire the Necessary Skills

To start a career as a Web Developer without earning a college degree, the first thing you need to do is acquire the essential skills required for web development jobs. There are ten essential web development skills, with each one building upon the ones learned before. They are:


Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language used to create documents that will be displayed on a web browser. HTML instructs the browser on how to display data on the page. These instructions often cover the layout of the page, fonts, colors, headings, title, tables, and graphics.

2. CSS

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a language that’s used to style the text, color, buttons, and tables of a website plus structure how its pages are laid out. CSS allows for content and formatting to remain separate so webpages can adapt to different types of devices of various sizes.

3. Bootstrap

Bootstrap is a user interface (UI) tool created by Twitter in 2011. A favorite among Web Developers, Bootstrap is an open-source CSS-based framework with optional JavaScript templates that allow them to quickly design and customize responsive websites.

Bootstrap has become a go-to framework throughout the industry due to its flexibility and ease of use. In fact, Bootstrap is currently in use on more than 22% of all websites. Developers use bootstrap to create the basic structure of a website and set HTML style definitions instead of having to repeatedly program each element individually. Having this framework in place helps to ensure that the website has a uniform appearance that remains consistent across various browsers.

4. Git

Git is a free, open-source version control software designed to keep track of modifications made to digital files. Its most common use is in the realm of programming, where it’s used to manage code. With Git, programmers can view every change that’s been made to the code, return the document to a previous state if necessary, and work together on the same code without overriding each other’s changes.

5. JavaScript

JavaScript is a language used to program the behavior of web pages, making them more dynamic and interactive to engage the user. For example, JavaScript can be used to play audio or video, display animations, progress through a slideshow of various pictures, and alter a button’s colors when a mouse hovers over it.

JavaScript can also be used on the back end thanks to Node.js, a JavaScript Runtime Environment (RTE). Because Web Developers are able to use JavaScript on the server side, they can program a website from back to front using just three languages: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. That means you can start your web development career without learning any back end-specific programming languages.

6. Node.js

Node.js is an open-source JavaScript runtime environment (RTE) built on Chrome’s V8 engine for use in back end development. It enables the execution of JavaScript code outside the confines of a web browser and makes it possible for developers to easily create fast, scalable server-side web applications. Though Node.js is often mistakenly referred to as a framework or programming language, it’s neither one of those things; it’s a runtime environment—a platform where commands are executed.

7. Node Package Manager

Node Package Manager (npm) is the package manager for Node.js. It’s used to automate the installation, configuration, upgrade, maintenance, and removal of software packages. Npm has become an indispensable tool for Front End Developers because it simplifies the management of multiple code versions and quickly resolves dependency conflicts between various code packages.

8. MongoDB

MongoDB is the number one NoSQL database in the world, with more than 28% of professional developers reporting regular usage in 2021. MongoDB is prized for being flexible, scalable, and easy to use..As a document database, MongoDB stores different documents in one collection instead of using the typical tables and rows you find in standard relational databases. This allows multiple objects to be stored in a unified way with different sets of fields, a feature that is especially advantageous when handling complex data or real-time data.

9. Express.js

Express.js is a back end framework that works inside Node.js to help design and build single-page, multiple-page, and hybrid web applications. The most popular back end framework among professional programmers, Express.js has become a popular choice because its powerful application programming interface (API) makes routing easy; the framework also helps organize web applications on the server side into the more manageable model-view-controller (MVC) architecture while remaining fast and lightweight. And since Express.js only requires the use of JavaScript, it’s possible to build web applications and API with very little effort.

10. React

React is an open-source front end library that was created by programmers at Facebook to simplify the creation and management of user interface (UI) elements. React was first released in 2013 and has steadily increased in popularity ever since. It was even voted the most commonly used library or framework among web developers in 2021, taking the top spot from jQuery.

React’s popularity is mostly due to its ability to reduce the amount of time required to develop and update UI features, which are the core building blocks of any application. Before React was created, programmers had to build the user interface from scratch using JavaScript or libraries not specifically designed for UI, which led to complicated coding that was difficult to maintain. To simplify coding and improve site performance, React segments pages into modules or “components” which allows for a more orderly flow of data between the front and back ends.

Step 2: Build a Portfolio

Once you’ve acquired the necessary skills, the next step is to showcase them by creating a portfolio website. Having a high-quality portfolio is essential if you want to land a job in web development without a college degree; it demonstrates your abilities to potential employers and clients and separates you from other candidates. Having a portfolio is also crucial because it gives you a chance to communicate your true value instead of focusing solely on qualifications. It also increases your credibility, establishes you as a professional in the web development industry, and improves your visibility among recruiters, hiring managers, and potential clients.

Step 3: Apply for Jobs

After you’ve learned the necessary skills and created a portfolio website to show them off, the next step is to begin applying for web development jobs. Starting out, you’ll need to look for an entry-level web development position such as Junior Developer or Junior Front End Web Developer. There are countless job search sites you can use. Some of the most popular include:

You should also be sure to ask people in your network for job leads; you never know who'll have the inside track on a great position.

As you’re searching for jobs online, don’t allow yourself to become intimidated by the long list of required qualifications. You don’t have to meet every single requirement to be a viable candidate; as long as you have around 80% of the skills mentioned in the job ad, you should feel confident enough to apply for the position, even if you don’t have a degree.

The Fastest Way to Become a Web Developer Without a College Education

The best way to become a Web Developer without earning a college degree is to complete a web development bootcamp. Bootcamps are intensive skills-focused programs that can get you career-ready within just a few months. Depending upon your location, you may be able to find a web development bootcamp in your area. If there are none available, a viable alternative would be enrolling in an online web development bootcamp. By taking your bootcamp online, you get the same expert instruction and live feedback as you would from an in-person class except you don’t have to deal with troublesome traffic.

If you’re interested in learning more about web development but you’re not quite ready for an immersive bootcamp, another possibility would be enrolling in individual web development classes. That way you can get started on your learning journey while gauging your interest in web development as a career. If you’re trying to fit your education in with a full-time job or busy home life, then online web development classes might be the best option for you. They offer you the convenience of learning at home with the same high-quality curriculum as in-person classes.