Creating WordPress Pages

Free WordPress Video Tutorials

Create pages to easily direct your site viewers to important information such as business location and contact. 

Creating New Pages

If you've watched the tutorial on creating posts, this tutorial for creating pages is almost identical. The only difference is posts are for your blog roll, meaning the constant stream of information and news that you update through posts. Pages, meanwhile, have static information, like directions to your location or an "About" section for your employees.

I can go to the Sidebar Menu, hover over Pages, and click Add New. Or I can go to the Toolbar, hover over New, and go to Page. Either method works.

Now, there’s a field waiting for my title. I’ll call this “Hawaii Photo Book." See all of the blocks that allow me to input content. For the sake of time, I'm going to input content from the Editor.

I’ve got the same choices here as I do when making pages: I can save this draft, or I can publish. Once I publish, this page goes live, meaning everyone can see it.

I may want to go to my Settings first. Under my Document Settings, I can set up visibility, when it publishes, and also if it’s pending review. Remember, "pending review" means I don’t have the rights to publish because someone else (a moderator) has to review it, say it’s okay, and then publish for me.

I’m going to publish this now. I get the message, "Are you ready to publish?" It’s showing me pre-published checks. I will click Publish. Green bar, and it’s there!

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How to Learn WordPress

Master WordPress with hands-on training. WordPress is a content management system (CMS) commonly used to build websites and blogs.

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