Creating and Using Links in WordPress

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Links are a great way to direct your readers to different sites, or even to related content from your own site. Watch to find out how!

Link Settings

The content editor gave me a link here to use. However, I could have grabbed one from a web browser by copying the URL.

It’s here, though, so I’m going to apply it to the word “Wikipedia.”

You’ll notice while it’s selected, I could conceivably go in and set the link up for it. However, because I already have the link, I’m going to paste it in. If I edit it, I can go to what I would have normally seen: a regular field to paste or type in the URL. Make sure you adjust your settings, because since this link redirects readers, you want to make sure they're able to navigate back to your original content.

I’m going to have this particular link open up in a new tab. This way, visitors will be able to browse through the Wikipedia source that I’ve placed there, but they’re still on my website—they haven’t left— and they can come back and read more. All I need to do now, because I’ve previously saved this, is update. Green bar tells me I’m good to go!

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Master WordPress with hands-on training. WordPress is a content management system (CMS) commonly used to build websites and blogs.

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