WordPress Image Gallery

Free WordPress Video Tutorials

Add image galleries to your WordPress posts to showcase interesting photos. Watch our video to find out how!

Adding an Image Gallery to Posts

I’m want images right underneath “About Hawaii,” so I’m going to add a block called Gallery.

I could drag images in, or upload them from my computer, but I’m going to go to my Media Library where I’ve already got some images stored and ready to go.

I’m going to select the images that I want. I'm picking four. Then, click the giant Create a New Gallery button.

This not only gives me the option to put captions for these images, but also to rearrange them by dragging and dropping.

Click the Insert Gallery button when you have everything the way you want it.

You’ll notice it’s been added; the rest of my content has shifted down. However, it doesn’t make sense to have 3 across and 1 giant one down here. I actually wanted 2 up 2 down. I can change the settings for this block by going to the top bar and clicking on the Settings icon, and change how that gallery is set up.

You’ll notice the default there is for 3 columns. I’ll change that to 2. There’s the grid that I actually wanted.

Now, a couple of other things that you’ll notice: 1) crop images; that toggle is on, as a default. And that’s to make them so that they’re all aligned properly. However, if you have images that are different sizes and you don’t necessarily want them to look geometrical, you can turn that off. It’s a good idea to have them on, but it may not crop the image the way you would like it to be cropped.

You’ll also notice Link To. If somebody clicks on a picture, do you want it to do anything? And if you do want it to do something, what do you want it to do? I could open up the picture, but then I’m leaving my site and going to just the picture itself. Someone would have to hit the back button to get back. I could also have it open up an attachment page; what that’ll do is create a brand new page on the fly that not only shows the picture full size, but still gives me the ability to navigate through the rest of the site.

I’ll leave this at None. Click Update. Notice the green bar tells me it worked. I’ll go back and refresh. And there’s my image gallery!

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