Mogrt Files

Free Video Tutorial and Guide

Mogrt files are a super fast way to create reusable, adjustable templates for use in video projects. Need to create a team-wide graphics template, or an editable title card? Learn how in this tutorial from Noble Desktop!

Mogrt files are a super fast way to create reusable, adjustable templates for use in video projects. Need to create a team-wide graphics template, or an editable title card? Learn how in this tutorial from Noble Desktop! Scissors logo from #mograph #mogrt #motiongraphics #nobledesktop #aetuts #aetutorials

Adding in Properties

  1. Open up the Essential Graphics panel from Window > Essential Graphics.
  2. Set Primary to Main Comp.
  3. Name it Scissors Mogrt.
  4. Hit Solo Supported Properties.
  5. Right-click on Main Text’s Source Text and hit Add Property to Essential Graphics.
  6. In the Essential Graphics panel, in the lower left corner dropbox, navigate to Add Group.
  7. Name the Group “Main Text.”
  8. Put all the Main Text properties into the Main Text Group.
  9. Repeat steps 5-7 on the tagline layer, naming this group “tagline text.”
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Scissors Logo and Background

  1. Select the scissors layer.
  2. Toggle open the Fill Effect on the scissors layer.
  3. Click and drag the Fill Color property to the Essential Graphics panel.
  4. Now toggle open the Transform effect on the scissors layer.
  5. Add the Opacity property to the Essential Graphics panel.
  6. Select the background layer.
  7. Toggle open the Fill effect.
  8. Click and drag the Fill Color property to the Essential Graphics panel.

Exporting the Mogrt File

  1. In the Essential Graphics panel, click Export Motion Graphics Template.
  2. Choose a save location for the template.
  3. In the Keywords bar, type in a few search terms, so it’s easier to find the template later.
  4. Hit OK.

Edit in Premiere Pro

  1. Open up Adobe Premiere Pro.
  2. Go to Windows then Essential Graphics.
  3. Locate the Scissors template.
  4. Drag the Scissors template onto the Sequence.
  5. In the Edit tab of the Essential Graphics panel, adjust the Source Text, Opacity, and Fill Color as desired.

Video Transcription

Hey, guys, this is Tziporah Zions for Noble Desktop. And in this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to make a MoGirt file on Adobe After Effects. And so if you're wondering what that is, a Mogrt file is a motion graphics template; we'll be making a reusable template for each and prepare pro. So we're gonna be taking properties from our file over here and we're going to be putting them together in a different file that can be opened and edited over and over.

In Premiere Pro, we're going to be focusing on basically like the source text, the logo fill and the background fill, putting them in our central graphics panel and exporting them as a new more Mogrt file. So if I scrub through my timeline here, you can see that it's a simple animation basically there's a fade on the text over here and we're also going to have a fade on the scissor if we have time.

Very basic stuff. But you can do more advanced techniques with this. But yeah, these are the essentials. So like I mentioned, Mongod stands for Motion Graphics Template. So this technique is super useful for making animations and sequences that need to be similar but not identical title cards, lower thirds, video intros, credits, et cetera. You can also use more group files for speeding up projects where you need a quick graphic template but don't have the resources to make your own.

Another common scenario with this is when you're working with multiple editors on a show, you know our project and you need to maintain consistency of the graphics. So moments allow for a single point of control over the template, but you can let each editor change common elements like text and color and size opacity. And yeah, there are sites online that have stock logger files, so you can even like download those and customize them to make it your own so speaking of, we're going to be using this simple file here with the text and the logo and you'll be able to find that down below in the description.

So yeah, let's get started. So the first thing that we're going to be doing is let's open up the essential graphics panel. So let's head over to Windows and Essential Graphics. So the first thing that we do here is we're going to set this, make sure that it's set to main comp and we're going to make sure that it's set to main comp over here.

So it's going to be drawing on the main comp where we are right now for its properties. So let's name this template Scissors McGrt file. We're going to be explaining the other buttons in the panel over here as we go along. So the next thing let's do, let's click solar supported properties. And what that just did is basically it's saying all the properties that we can export in a McGrt template, we're going to show you where they are because not every property can be exported, but like a lot can, as you can see here.

So now this basically to show you what options you can plop into your template over here. So let's go down to the main text up text here. All right. And we're going to be clicking. And actually for this one, let's do right click on search text and and property is Central Graphics because I want to show you more than one way to add it.

And the reason why we did this basically is this is how we can edit what the text actually says. So in this case, central graphics allows you to individually select properties of an object and export them as part of the template we've been talking about there. And Adobe Premiere Pro, we can update them to suit whatever project you're working on.

That's why it's a great method, like I said, intro cards, credits, et cetera. Let me show you the organizer stuff. So go down here. Let's do that group and let's name this main text and then we're going to drag and drop that into main text. And this is useful if you have multiple properties of an object that you want to be like exporting in a template, we're going to be keeping it pretty simple.

But now, you know, now I'm going to repeat this with the tagline over here as a review, but if you think that you got it, you can skip ahead into the timeline. So yeah, over here, source text right click on that. Add property to Central Graphics, add a group called that group Tag Line, Click and drag the tag going text.

There we go. Now let's name this property tag line text. And over here, let's name this main text. I know that it has the same name as this group, but it's basically the only element in there for now. So I think it's all right now let's select the Scissor logo. So let's head down in the layer stack, let's find our scissor so you can see under its effect it's got a fill.

That's what's giving it its color. And the reason why I set it up that way is because this for this illustrator layer, the easiest way to both change its color and to edit the color in a or template is to use a full effect rather than like drawing out a shape here and then trying to adjust the fill up in the top toolbar.

You know, just drop a fill effect onto it and that'll, that'll do you. So let's click and drag a color into a central graphic. So that's another way to, you know, drop stuff in here. An important thing to mention is click on the color like the color, the word color itself, not fill, because fill contains a couple of different settings.

So you want to grab the specific property itself that you wish to change in the template. Now, another effect I applied to the scissor logo is the transformer effect and the reason being is that if you have the transform effect applied, usually when you are making like this great template, it ignores your keyframes and that kind of thing.

But if you use a transform effect you're going to be able to more or less keep your keyframes, but also be able to have that point of control. So let's click and drag opacity, drop it in here there you go. And now you can see that what the slider over here, I can control the opacity of that scissor logo.

So like before, let's make a group called Scissor. This is a group or something, scissors and then we will just put those properties inside I'm going to name this as your color or like this is your fill color or something, just so I know what it's referring to. I'm a big believer and try to keep things organized, especially if you're working in a group with other people because you got to know what you were doing too.

All right, finally, let's do the background fill here we are like before click and drag. Get that fill right over here and let's name this color. All right, great. We have this whole thing set up so finally we're going to export this thing. So, yeah, we've got to save it. So now AfterEffects is asking you, where do you want to save this?

So you have a couple of options. You can save it to your local drive. So, you know, folder in your computer local templates folder, which is kind of started within your Adobe files. I'm going to be choosing my creative cloud stuff. So I personally have a folder, you know, as you can see, noble desktop after effects stuff, that's where I'm going to put it but you can pretty much put it nearly anywhere on your computer.

And the keywords are important because especially if you're working with a lot of templates, you're like, OK, where's everything? I don't usually have a lot of templates, thankfully, but I'm going to put in a couple of keywords. That way you can search them within my own library, scissors and logo. I think I'll agree with that. So let's hit.

OK, and now let's head over to Adobe Premiere Pro. All right, here we are in Adobe Premiere Pro. So now we're going to show how we've exported our file, our ogre file, and we can update it here. So let's get over to Window Central Graphics. And you'll notice in this program, the Central Graphics panel looks different. And hey, look, there's our mock file.

Now, if we had a lot more, we can type in the search bar here. Let's type in scissors and bam, our keyword works. So click and drag your file right into your timeline here and give it a moment. Look, it works. Now, you'll notice that the animation of the text is still present. But I'm going to show you a couple of things we can do to edit the rest of this stuff.

So select your motor file. It automatically goes over to the edit panel sorry, the edit options in your central graphics panel over here. But if not, just click there. Now you'll see here are all the properties that we introduced so now we can actually update this stuff. So now I think you're starting to see what I mean by that.

This makes it really easy to use templates and also work with a group on a consistent project. So now let's update the text that we've added to our central graphics. So let's change that to Barba or Bob, that's going to be the the newest construe PDBs that actually doesn't fit. So let's just change it to bar Bob. There we go.

Barbara, Bob, his thing is called Bar Bob and the tagline Text and cut your hair. There we go. There's a reason I did not go into marketing. And now let's change the yeah, let's change a couple of other things. So now I can adjust opacity. By the way, if I don't want the scissors, there I can have them fade in and out like that.

Like, yeah, I want to, you know, a little softer. I wanted it maybe 50. Maybe I'll be putting like something else behind it and the full color, you know what I'm like? I'm not feeling this blue color. I think Bob's Barber would really like more of a warm, warm, warm tone for his logo. So let's change the color over here.

And you can see that these again are all the properties that we've added within after effects there we go. That's actually not not a step up, but we have changed the graphics, so that's what counts. But yeah, you see basically like I can change the color, I can change the scissors, the opacity, because I've added those and set them up within after effects.

So that's that's what we're getting at here. You can change this in Premiere Pro and you can export the same. You can use this same template over and over and over so yeah, that's how to make a mock file. So with this technique, you're going to be able to really speed up your workflow. You don't have to spend hours making animations for every part of your project.

Now, you can either download a template from online or even make your own for re-use, whether using mirrored files for review, intros, social media posts or client work, they're a great way to cut down on like extra time. So that's all for this tutorial. I hope you've enjoyed learning how to make your own mock template in Adobe After Effects.

If you have any questions or suggestions for future tutorials like Always, let us know in the comments. Tell us about any projects you're working on or any topics you'd really like us to cover. You know, we read everything. We respond to everything and we love to hear your feedback. So yeah, this has been Tziporah Zions for Noble Desktop.

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