Discover the paths to becoming a front end developer, whether you're a beginner or an experienced professional looking to upgrade your skills. Learn about the different job levels, the benefits of freelancing, and the educational options available, including bootcamps and specific tech classes.

Key Insights

  • Front end developers design and build websites and applications, often collaborating with back end developers, full stack developers, and other team members. They can work in various settings including corporations, small businesses, government agencies, and as freelancers.
  • While many front end developers have four-year computer science degrees, it is possible to enter the profession with thorough knowledge and experience in web development without a college degree. Proficiency in coding and programming languages like HTML, CSS, C#, JavaScript, and SQL is crucial.
  • Noble Desktop offers coding bootcamps and courses that provide training on how to create websites and web apps using coding and programming languages, available in in-person or live online formats.
  • Internships can be an effective way to gain experience and enter the tech industry. They can be found through college career services, job-related websites, and direct contact with tech companies.
  • Front end developer roles have different levels, from entry-level positions with an average salary of around $56,000 a year, to mid-level roles with average salaries around $110,000, to senior positions that can earn around $143,000 a year.
  • Freelancing is another career path for front end developers, offering scheduling flexibility and the ability to work on specific projects without the restrictions of a regular office schedule.

Anyone considering a career as a Front End Developer should be curious about what skills and experience will be needed for entering the profession. Front End Developers design and build websites, apps, and other computer related programs and software while typically working with Back End Developers to complete web-based projects. Without exception, Front End Developers are expected to work as part of a team. Aside from Back End Developers, Front End Developers may work with Full Stack Developers, Graphic Designers, Project Managers, and Product Managers in designing, developing, maintaining, and troubleshooting websites and web applications. Front End Developers can find work with major corporations, nonprofit organizations, small businesses, government agencies, and tech startups. Front End Developers are able to find full-time and part-time employment either working inside offices or remotely as employees, freelancers, or independent contractors.

Getting Started

Becoming a Front End Developer requires skills for building the front end–or user-side–of websites and web applications. While many Front End Developers have four-year computer science degrees, possessing thorough knowledge and experience in web development can also qualify a person for the profession without needing to acquire a college degree. Individuals can make themselves more marketable for employment by demonstrating proficiency with skills in coding and programming languages like HTML, CSS, C#, JavaScript, and SQL. Methods for getting employed as a Front End Developer include getting certifications related to web development and programming languages or possessing a portfolio displaying projects that should appeal to potential employers.

For young people considering a career as a Front End Developer, the Noble Desktop’s affiliate NextGen Bootcamp has web development classes for high school students that provide college-level web development training with coding projects for learning about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

It may also be a good idea to communicate with people working as Front End Developers for getting advice on what to expect on a typical working day in the occupation, including what training might be best to follow along with tools used in the profession and the daily routine involved with the job.

Beginning learners interested in training to become Front End Developers can find free video seminars from Noble Desktop that offer lessons in a variety of skills related to the profession, including Intro to Front End Web Development and Intro to JavaScript. These free webinar recordings focus on training for basic skills associated with front end web development that should help provide a better understanding with coding and programming languages.

Do I Need a Degree to Become a Front End Developer?

Front End Web Design Certificate: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, 0% Financing, 1-on-1 Mentoring, Free Retake, Job Prep. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

You don't need a college degree to become a Front End Developer. While a degree is not strictly required, many Front End Developers do have four-year degrees in computer science. However, you can make yourself appealing to potential employers by learning the necessary skills required for working in front end web development without needing to attend college.

Noble Desktop offers various coding bootcamps and courses for individuals with no employment experience nor a college degree for working as Front End Developers. These courses provide training on how to create websites and web apps using coding and programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Many people prefer in-person training and feel more comfortable learning inside a classroom environment with an instructor standing right there in front of them. However, others might choose virtual learning, which provides the advantage of training at home with the same quality of instruction that they would get from an in-person class.

Whichever method for learning a person chooses, either in-person or live online training should provide an appropriate way for learning front end web development. People also have the option of taking on-demand or self-paced classes that allow them to learn at their own pace on their own time.

Read more about if you need a degree to become a Front End Developer.


For anyone interested in a potential career as a Front End Developer, finding an internship could prove to be an effective method for getting a foot inside the door of the tech industry. There are several ways to get an internship.

For students enrolled at a college, many schools can help them find internships through career services or through whatever department an individual may be majoring in such as computer science. 

For those who are training in web development independently, job-related websites like and LinkedIn, among several, post internship opportunities along with job listings. Connecting with an employer to find an internship through LinkedIn may not only provide an effective learning experience but could lead to being brought on as an employee by a company if that individual and the organization somehow click. It would also be a good idea for individuals to directly contact tech-related companies wherever they live or in cities they would like to live and about possible internships.

Entry-Level Front End Developer Jobs

Front End Developers usually start out in entry-level positions, which is typically as a Junior Front End Developer that can earn an individual around $56,000 a year on average nationally. Depending on where a person lives and the level of experience, annual salaries can range from $33,000 to as much as $94,000.

Working as an entry-level Front End Developer means collaborating with more experienced Front End Developers while focusing on the client-side of building websites and apps with an emphasis on how the finished product appears on web browsers. Elements that a Junior Front End Developer may work with include text, images, and the overall design. Normally, an entry-level Front End Developer works within an office and is responsible for working on the visuals for websites and apps.

Mid-Level Front End Developer Jobs

Experienced Front End Developers can earn an annual salary of around $110,000, which can range from $66,000 up to $182,000 a year depending on where a person lives along with that person’s years of experience.

A mid-level Front End Developer is basically a Front End Developer, whose job is to apply visual and audio elements to websites and apps, focusing on user interfacing (UI). A mid-level Front End Developer builds websites and applications by collaborating with Back End Developers whose role focuses on how those websites and apps function.

Senior Front End Developer Jobs

A Senior Front End Developer can make a yearly income of around $143,000 with salaries ranging between $91,000 to $225,000.

A Senior Front End Developer is usually the most experienced member of a web development team and typically the lead Web Developer. Senior Front End Developers typically work with other Front End Developers as well as Back End Developers, UX and UI Designers, and Graphic Designers.

Another Path: Freelancing

Of course, anyone looking to work as a Front End Developer can find employment at corporate offices, small business, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies. However, some people with skills and talent for working as Front End Developers may chafe at the idea of having to work inside an office or under the direct supervision of a manager within an organization. Individuals with experience in web development and programming languages who also possess time management and communication skills may decide to work as freelancers or independent contractors.

Working as a freelance Front End Developer allows individuals with the appropriate skills and experience the scheduling flexibility to apply their talent with companies that need specific web development done but don't necessarily need to have someone stick around as permanent staff member. Other companies may want a Front End Developer on an as needed basis, which can work for an individual who likes the income available with working in technology without the restrictions of a regular schedule. 

Freelance work may not be for everyone, but for some people, working as an independent contractor provides a perfect balance for being able to apply their skills along with having a more flexible schedule.

How Do I Find A Front End Developer Job?

There are options available if you’re looking for work as a Front End Developer. Corporations, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and small businesses seek out Front End Developers to create dynamic, user-friendly websites. Work as a Front End Developer requires having an aptitude for time management, communication, and business. There are also plenty of opportunities for a Front End Developer working as an independent contractor or freelancer, which provides flexibility with scheduling and location. 

You can find Front End Developer jobs on several websites and platforms. You can search for Front End Developer opportunities on Indeed, LinkedIn, or Glassdoor.

Learn the Skills to Become a Front End Developer at Noble Desktop

People have several options for learning to become a Front End Developer, which include in-person and live online training courses, bootcamps, and certificate programs that provide real-time hands-on instruction. Noble Desktop offers several live online Web Development courses.

For example, with hardly any prior coding experience, an individual could complete the Front End Web Development Certificate and get headed in the right direction for their new career with training in how to build the user side of a responsive website. This course aims to keep class sizes small so that students can receive tailored advice and guidance from their instructors.

If you would like to learn about designing websites or email programs from coding with HTML, CSS, or JavaScript, you can train for the Web Design Certificate. In addition, this course will teach you how to build websites using WordPress.

If you would like to learn about more options for building websites or apps from scratch through skills in front end web development, Noble Desktop provides information on their Learn Front End Web Development page, which can guide you through learning about several options for becoming a Front End Developer, including what free resources are available and career advice.

Key Takeaways

  • Anybody considering a career as a Front End Developer should be curious about finding their path for getting the skills and experience they will need to enter the profession.
  • Becoming a Front End Developer requires skills for being able to build the front end–or client-side–of a website or app. 
  • Young people considering a career as a Front end Developer can enroll in web development classes for high school students that are available through the Noble Desktop affiliate NextGen Bootcamp.
  • Those interested in training to become a Front End Developer can find free video seminars from Noble Desktop that offer lessons for learning about web development and programming languages.
  • For anyone thinking about a potential career as a Front End Developer, getting an internship can help with finding a path into the tech industry.
  • Front End Developers usually start out at the entry-level position of Junior Front End Developer.
  • Mid-Level Front End Developers are essentially what we think of as Front End Developers, and their job is to implement visual and audio elements into websites and applications that focus on user interfaces (UI).
  • A Senior Front End Developer is usually the most experienced member of a web development team and typically has the role of Lead Developer.
  • Working as a freelance Front End Developer allows individuals with skill and experience the scheduling flexibility of working independently with companies that need their skills for web development projects.