Discover what a data analyst does and if this career path matches your skills and interests. Learn about the necessary training, the expected growth in this profession, and where to find hands-on data analytics classes and bootcamps to further your knowledge and expertise.

Key Insights

  • Data Analysts work with large datasets to find trends, make predictions, and create visual presentations to inform business decisions. They also develop and maintain databases, often collaborating with various stakeholders to address specific business challenges.
  • Specialized training is typically required for Data Analysts, who work in a variety of fields. They are detail-oriented, good with numbers, well-organized, and have strong presentation skills.
  • Personal characteristics needed for a successful career in data analytics include a strong interest in problem-solving, curiosity, good collaboration skills, aptitude for research, comfort with presenting information, logical and analytical thinking, attention to detail, number-savvy, and organization.
  • As more data is created, the demand for skilled Data Analysts is expected to grow, making this an in-demand profession.
  • Noble Desktop offers data analytics classes and bootcamps, covering topics like Excel, Python, and data analytics. Courses vary in length and cost, with over 170 live online data analytics courses available from top providers.
  • For those interested in intensive learning, data analytics or data science bootcamps provide rigorous instruction from industry experts. Over 100 bootcamp options are available for beginners, intermediate, and advanced students.

What Does a Data Analyst Do?

In order to decide if a career in data analytics is a good match for you, it’s important to first know what exactly a Data Analyst does.

Data Analysts are tasked with taking huge stores of data and working to locate information and trends about past and current practices, as well as offer predictions about what is likely to happen at a company or business based on these numbers. Data Analysts transform large sets of data into engaging visualizations that are accessible to all members of a team or business. These clear and engaging visual aids can be used to help employers make sound business decisions.

In addition, most Data Analysts also develop and maintain databases. In order to gather the most relevant and useful data, Data Analysts sort through data from both internal and external sources, such as CRM databases and government portals. They also typically clean raw data so that it’s ready for analysis. Their job involves a large amount of collaboration with various stakeholders to help spot specific business-related challenges that must be addressed.

Data Analysts work in a variety of fields, from the healthcare industry to retail to Wall Street. Most Data Analysts have specialized training that allows them to thrive in the professional sector; Data Analysts tend to be detail-oriented and good with numbers. They are typically well-organized multi-taskers with strong presentation skills, which allows them to regularly share their analysis findings in a visually engaging manner.

The need for skilled Data Analysts is expected to continue to grow as more data is created, which makes this an in-demand profession.

Is a Career in Data Analytics Right for Me?

Simply having a passion for numbers or an eye for statistics isn’t enough to necessarily make you a good Data Analyst. This career path involves many skill-sets, competencies, and areas of expertise, as well as some personal characteristics. For those who are interested in becoming Data Analysts, here are a few questions to consider to know if this career path is right for you:

If you answered “yes” to many of the above questions, this is a good indicator that you possess many of the skills and traits necessary to pursue a career as a Data Analyst.

Start Learning Data Analytics with Hands-On Classes

Are you interested in learning more about data analytics? If so, Noble Desktop’s data analytics classes are a great starting point. Courses are currently available in topics such as Excel, Python, and data analytics, among others skills necessary for analyzing data. In addition, more than 170 live online data analytics courses are also available from top providers. Courses range from three hours to nine months and cost from $229 to $60,229.

Those who are committed to learning in an intensive educational environment may also consider enrolling in a data analytics or data science bootcamp. These rigorous courses are taught by industry experts and provide timely instruction on how to handle large sets of data. Over 100 bootcamp options are available for beginners, intermediate, and advanced students looking to master skills and topics like data analytics, data visualization, data science, and Python, among others.

For those searching for a data analytics class nearby, Noble’s data analytics Classes Near Me tool provides an easy way to locate and browse the 400 or so data analytics classes currently offered in the in-person and live online formats. Course lengths vary from three hours to nine months and cost $119-$60,339.