How to Learn React Online

Learn to navigate the world of online learning and training methods to become proficient in React.

Discover the value of learning React, a versatile JavaScript library primarily used in web and mobile development. Explore the benefits of live online training, on-demand classes, and hands-on training at Noble Desktop to further your career in the tech industry.

Key Insights

  • React, created by a Software Engineer at Meta, improves the loading speed and functionality of websites and apps, and is widely used in the industry.
  • Live online training offers expert instruction and mobility, allowing you to learn from anywhere in the world, and Noble Desktop is a leader in such classes.
  • On-demand React tutorials are a free, flexible option for learning at your own pace, although these shouldn't be used as the sole source of learning.
  • Free tutorials, such as Noble Desktop’s Intro to React seminar, can provide a valuable overview of the topic before committing to a comprehensive course.
  • Transitioning from in-person to online learning can be a tough adjustment, but key strategies, such as preparing your workspace ahead of time and informing your family, friends, and roommates about your schedule can help.
  • Noble Desktop offers a variety of resources including bootcamps, certificate programs, and free retakes, all designed to help you succeed in learning React and advancing your career in tech.

If you’re starting to learn a new skill, you can find dozens of tips and resources online; learning React is no different. React is typically used to increase the loading speed and functionality of websites and apps, and any programming team can benefit from having a React expert on their side. There are plenty of React learning options at your fingertips, outlined in this guide to help you decide what works best for you.

What is React?

React is a JavaScript library that allows new user interface (UI) components to appear on websites and apps without needing to reload the page. Jordan Walke, a Software Engineer at Meta, created it to make Facebook’s News Feed load faster. It was later added to Instagram and became open-source for the benefit of the public. Now it’s one of the go-to JavaScript libraries for most websites and apps.

Most people use React in web and mobile development because of its flexibility and versatility. A website or app would typically need to pull information from its server to generate new information or images. React enables websites and apps to skip that step by creating reusable components that can be added to the page as the user scrolls. That saves time and computer power for the website—and the user.

Read more about what React is and why you should learn it. 

What Can You Do with React?

React is known for its uses with social media news feeds, such as Facebook and Instagram. That’s not the only use for it, though—you can use it for any online page constantly loading new components on-screen. React libraries are meant to save time by creating reusable interactive elements. They act as templates where the website or app can pull information instead of needing to access the server constantly. 

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This skill is helpful for websites and apps such as Netflix, Amazon, and Uber Eats that generate new information without reloading the page. If you have aspirations to build websites or apps or work for a company that relies on them, React is an essential skill. With React in your professional toolkit, you’ll be an asset to any web or mobile development team you join. 

Live Online React Training

Live online training has become increasingly popular in the last few years. It has the same expert instructors that teach in-person classes, but with the added benefit of learning on the go. No matter where you are in the world, you’ll be able to take your courses with you and pick them up from where you left off. 

The one drawback to live online learning is that you’ll need to set up your own workspace, but there are many workarounds to ensure your experience is effective. Some online learning tips and tricks can help you create your own DIY workspace without needing to break the bank. Even if you can’t work in your home for any reason, you can always work at a cafe or library or step outside into your backyard. As long as you’re able to focus, the possibilities are endless. 

Some training centers, such as Noble Desktop, have been leading live online classes for the last few decades. Find some live online React classes that work with your schedule and see which one best fits your needs. They’ll be able to help you through tech support and give you some insight into how to approach remote work alongside excellent career advice. 

On-Demand React Classes

On-demand React tutorials have some stellar perks; the most notable benefit is that they’re entirely free. You can also take them asynchronously, meaning you don’t have to be at a live stream of the course to watch it. You can take them at any time that fits your schedule, which is perfect if you’re in the middle of a hectic part of your life. 

At the same time, they shouldn’t be used as your entire knowledge foundation. Once you’ve learned the basics, you’ll want to learn from an expert. Another critical point about video tutorials is that they’re not in real-time, which means you won’t get the same level of interaction that you would from an in-person or live online React course. Use self-paced and on-demand video tutorials to help you get an overview of the topic, and if it feels right, take a real-time class to take a deep dive to start your career. 

Free Intro Courses & Tutorials

If you’re interested in React but aren’t quite ready to commit to a more comprehensive course, you might want to start with a quick lesson that gives you an overview of the skills you need to start. Most people benefit from taking a free tutorial that goes over the basics, like Noble Desktop’s free Intro to React seminar. This video tutorial teaches why most JavaScript programmers rely on React and use it for their websites and apps. 

You can find these online tutorials through most training facilities, including Scrimba, Udemy, and Noble Desktop. Take some time to find the one that best resonates with you. After you’ve taken these tutorials, you can decide whether you want to enroll in a React class. 

Read about more free React videos and online tutorials.

Comparing Online Methods with In-Person Learning 

Most people are familiar with in-person learning methods, but live online also offers the same engaging and interactive lessons through the same experts. Both have excellent value, and you can choose your preferred learning method based on the option you believe would be best for you. In-person options have networking opportunities and computer labs with the most updated software. Meanwhile, live online training is more accessible and doesn’t require a commute. 

On-demand tutorials are a solid choice while testing the waters, but you shouldn’t use them for long-term learning since they tend to go over the basics. If the video is older, it also has the potential to be outdated since technology rapidly evolves. In most cases, it’s recommended that you use self-paced options to help you get an overview and then move on to in-person or live online courses once you’re ready to commit. 

Tips to Succeed when Learning React Online

There’s a high chance that you’re used to in-person classes, which follow a stricter routine. Learning online is certainly more flexible, and it can be a strange adjustment if you’re brand new to it, especially if you haven’t been in the classroom for a while. 

Luckily, you have the discipline to make the most out of your online class. You’ve proven that by taking the time to research the best ways to approach it. Below are a handful of ways to prepare for your online courses that will increase productivity and minimize distractions.

Prepare your Workspace

Your workspace is your throne room of productivity, or at least it should be. You might already have a place in mind that you plan to use while you take your classes. Take a look at it now—is it conducive to learning the way it currently is?

They say that a disorganized space creates a disorganized mind. There’s some truth to that. Workspaces that are messy drain productivity because you’ll be reminded that you need to clean them. Don’t let that thought even cross your mind—clear out the clutter ahead of time. That way, you won’t have to worry about it and can focus on your studies. 

There’s always the chance that you might be unable to clear out your space before your class starts. If that’s the case, try to find another location with few distractions, such as a cafe or library. Create a class travel bag and fill it with snacks, water bottles, headphones, and anything else you might need during class. Most importantly, don’t forget your laptop! 

Tell Your Family, Friends, and Roommates Your Schedule

While you’re gathering all your work materials, make a point to tell your family and roommates your schedule. They may have an idea of what you’re trying to accomplish, but they may not understand the level of focus you’ll need unless you break down what your day will look like. 

You run into some situations where your kids, spouse, or roommate try to barge into your workspace while you’re in the middle of class. To prevent this, keep a whiteboard outside of your workspace. If they need to tell you something non-urgent, have them write it on the whiteboard. You can check it when you’re on a break or when you’re done with your studies for the day. 

Another trick is to leave a copy of your schedule on display in your kitchen or another prominent location in your household. Other household members can also put their schedules in the same location to encourage respect for each other's time. That way, there’s always clear communication, and everyone will feel secure in knowing when they can expect quality focus time. 

Your friends should also know your schedule if they tend to call during lunch hours or stop by while they’re taking a walk. They may not be aware that you’re now busy when you used to be free. Tell them about the classes you’re taking the next time you’re out to lunch or dinner. If you’re pressed for time, you can send them a quick text instead. Remind them—and yourself—that this schedule change is only temporary. Once your studies are finished and your certificate is earned, you can shift back to your old routine. 

Plan Ahead

When your workspace is set and your family is informed, it’s time to create a checklist of everything you need to reduce all other time eaters and stressors. Set out your clothes the night before each class day to shorten the time it takes to get dressed after your shower. 

Because you’re at home, you might be tempted to make lunch between classes, but that might also take up time that could be better spent decompressing. That doesn’t mean you must order take-out and stress that the delivery driver might arrive in the middle of a lesson. Instead, take some time on a day off to meal prep for your classes. Think of it as packing your lunch for the week and getting it all done at once. 

Most importantly, prepare any computer setup you may need for class. That includes Zoom or the class’s equivalent video conferencing program. It also helps to write down your instructor’s phone number and the tech support number in case of a technology emergency. If the power goes out during class, you’ll still be able to reach them easily.

Learn React with Hands-on Training at Noble Desktop

Noble Desktop has plenty of resources to help you through your React learning journey, including courses and bootcamps that will help you land that job you’ve been eager to apply for. Most of these programs feature many benefits, including expert instructors leading each course, small class sizes for individualized instruction, and free retake options if you want to review some of the topics discussed. 

One of the first options worth checking out is the React Development Bootcamp, which will teach you everything you need to know about React for your career. JavaScript is the foundation of React, so it’s worth looking into the JavaScript Development Certificate to give you an overview of the programming language. If you plan to use React for websites, try the Full Stack Web Development Certificate instead. 

These programs will give you a certificate upon completion, which you can display on your LinkedIn for everyone, including future employers. Noble’s certificate programs also come with the opportunity to retake the course for free, an ideal scenario for those wanting extra practice and support. If you’re not ready to commit to a bootcamp or certificate program, you can look through all of the React courses and choose the one that works best for you. 

You can also learn more about React through Noble Desktop’s React Learn Hub guides. 

Key Insights

  • Prepare your online learning workspace ahead of time
  • Set out your clothes and meal prep beforehand to reduce the amount of work you need to do in the morning
  • Tell your family, friends, and roommates about your schedule and ensure they understand when you’re busy
  • Have contact information handy in case of a tech emergency

How to Learn React

Master React with hands-on training. React is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries. With React, you can make your websites interactive for users.

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