Animation Training & Classes for Employees: Review Corporate Training Options

An overview of the best corporate training options for Animation development.

Unlock the creative potential of your team with corporate animation training, useful in many industries including film, gaming, and marketing. Equip your employees with skills such as visual effects, computer-generated special effects, and still image manipulation, with options for onsite or online training.

Key Insights

  • Animation skills open doors to diverse fields such as filmmaking, visual effects development, and game design, with tools like After Effects and Premiere Pro being industry standards.
  • Animation training leads to increased employee satisfaction and higher retention rates, keeping the company competitive in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.
  • Animation training on a corporate level is beneficial not only for companies directly involved with animation, but also for those looking to leverage animated content for effective communication and marketing.
  • Training can be conducted either onsite or online, with Noble Desktop offering flexibility in course delivery and curriculum customization to meet specific company needs.
  • Noble Desktop's corporate training program includes comprehensive, hands-on instruction from experienced industry professionals, supplemented with support materials for further learning.
  • Companies have the option to facilitate corporate animation training at Noble Desktop’s midtown Manhattan facility, or purchase bulk vouchers for regularly-scheduled animation classes, offering employees the freedom to choose their own training schedule.

Animation is a method of manipulating still images to make them look like they are moving. While people often equate animation with children’s cartoons, animators actually work on a wide variety of content. As a result, corporate animation training has become popular in many industries. Read on to learn about what to consider when looking for corporate animation training options and the options available for onsite and online training.

What is Animation?

Animation is the process of photographing a still image—typically a drawing—then making slight modifications to the image while taking successive pictures. An animator will rapidly show these pictures to make it appear as if the image is moving. Animation skills are great to have in many different jobs. Animators don’t just create movies or television shows. They also create moving graphics for websites, video games, or visual effects. Most animators now use software to create the graphics, though some still use drawings and sketches to bring their imagination to life.

Read more about what animation is and why you should learn it. 

What Can You Do with Animation Skills?

Learning animation opens doors to different fields. The most obvious field is filmmaking: producing visual effects, developing computer-generated special effects, or creating images for any media type. Movies, television, the internet, and (video) games all rely on Animators for their products. Yet, Animators can also work as Medical or Mathematical Animators, Illustrators, Games Developers, and VFX Artists. Illustrators focus on still images, both hand-drawn and computer-generated, while Medical or Mathematical Animators, Games Developers, and VFX Artists develop 3D moving images. After Effects and Premiere Pro are the go-to animation software for professionals. 

Benefits of Animation Corporate Training

Companies that run corporate training sessions see many different benefits. Numerous research studies show that a large percentage of employees–from various industries–want corporate training, and those who get it are often happier and more engaged with their jobs. For instance, in 2021, Gallup surveyed 15,000 U.S. adults and found that more than half were “extremely” or “very” interested in an upskilling program. 71 percent of those who participated in an upskilling course reported increased overall job satisfaction.

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Research shows that greater employee satisfaction also translates into higher retention rates. For example, according to Gallup, almost two-thirds of those surveyed said that employer-provided upskilling opportunities were significant when considering whether to stay at their current job. Employee retention is important since finding new employees can be both time-consuming and expensive.

Not only does corporate training help companies keep their employees, but it also helps them stay competitive. In its Pulse of the American Worker Survey, Prudential found that 46 percent of respondents believed they would have to learn new skills in the next year to do their jobs. When it comes to animation, technology changes remarkably quickly. The best way for a company to ensure its employees stay up-to-date on the latest trends and software is to provide them with training.

Who Benefits Most from Animation Corporate Training?

Corporate animation training can be beneficial to any company that works with animation. Even if employees already have animation skills, the fact is that technology and software in this field change fast, and skills can rapidly become outdated. A training session with industry experts is a great way to ensure that employees are up-to-date on innovations within the field of animation. It is likely to give any company a competitive edge.

However, even companies that don’t currently work with animation might want to consider a corporate training session for employees. Research shows that animated content appeals to viewers of all ages and is a highly effective way to convey a message or explain a complex idea. As a result, many companies that have never used animation before are beginning to utilize it for things like communication and marketing. 

New Skills or Upskilling?

Corporate animation training can be conducted company-wide. However, unless a company works exclusively in animation, it is likely to need training for every single employee. Instead, most companies schedule corporate animation training for a smaller group of employees. 

Every company has different needs, and whether animation is a new skill or employees are upskilling, Noble can create an effective training program. Companies can choose from introductory one-day courses, advanced bootcamps, or comprehensive certificates. They can also pick the curriculum they need and create their custom training program.

Onsite or Online?

For corporate training, Noble instructors can either teach onsite or online. Onsite training is a popular option because some people find in-person instruction the best way to learn new concepts. An onsite instructor can also have an easier time assessing whether or not students understand the course material and understanding if they need additional help. Finally, onsite training can be a more fun and interactive experience for employees since they all train together in person.

However, Noble also has an excellent remote corporate training program, which is popular because it offers flexibility. With remote online training, instruction occurs through a teleconferencing platform like Zoom. Like onsite training, remote instruction is live; students can ask questions and get immediate feedback. This option is also highly interactive, with hands-on learning that prepares employees to use their skills on the job.

Training Options for Employees

Companies interested in corporate animation training programs such as After Effects will find several options offered at Noble Desktop. The school can run training sessions either onsite or live online through a teleconferencing platform like Zoom. Noble offers a range of pre-existing curricula or the option to create a custom course. All material is updated to meet current industry standards and software revisions. 

All Noble instructors are both experienced teachers and industry professionals. They take pride in offering interactive and hands-on training, whether onsite or online; trainees won’t just sit at a computer and watch a lecture. Training even includes walking students through many of the challenges they will face on the job, which helps them become prepared to use their new skills immediately. 

Noble’s corporate training program is also designed to be extremely flexible. Instructors can work around busy schedules to find a convenient training time that works for everyone. Options include weekdays, weeknights, and weekends.

As well as comprehensive, hands-on instruction, trainees will leave class with support material designed to help reinforce the training session and to give them opportunities for additional learning. Support material includes handouts, certification exam guides, and access to course files and premium training videos. This material will also help students find answers to any additional questions that come up while they are using their new animation skills on the job.

Supplemental Training Options

Most companies opt for onsite or online training sessions in animation. However, some can take advantage of the in-person option offered at Noble Desktop’s midtown Manhattan facility. In-person trainees learn in bright, modern computer labs. Noble provides all the equipment needed for training and complimentary coffee, a food storage area, and a spacious common area. The Manhattan school is also conveniently located near public transportation options.

Another option for corporate animation training is to buy vouchers for Noble’s regularly-scheduled animation classes and allow employees to choose their own training schedule. Employers can choose which classes are available to their employees. There is a discount with bulk voucher purchases.

Contact Noble Desktop for more information about corporate animation training programs or to schedule a complimentary consultation.

Key Takeaways

  • Corporate training is an effective way to train a group of employees in animation techniques.
  • Companies that provide their employees with corporate training can increase employee satisfaction and are more likely to retain employees.
  • Corporate training helps a company stay competitive.
  • Many companies use animation for communication and marketing, so corporate animation training is widely beneficial.
  • Both onsite and online training are popular forms of training.
  • Companies can also opt for corporate training at Noble’s New York City facility.
  • Class vouchers are an additional option for companies interested in corporate animation training.
  • Noble Desktop runs corporate training programs in animation, either in-person or online.

How to Learn Animation

Master animation with hands-on training. Animation is the process of manipulating still images so that they appear to move, often using software like After Effects, Cinema 4D, or Adobe Animate.

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