What is Python?

A complete overview of what Python is, including key elements and why it's valuable in different fields.

Python, a versatile and popular programming language, is a crucial tool for professionals in web development, data science, and more. Training in Python can open doors to careers in these growing fields, and opportunities for learning are widely available and varied.

Key Insights

  • Python is a popular open-source programming language, used in numerous professional fields including web development, data science, artificial intelligence, and more.
  • Python offers a vast array of libraries and frameworks, such as Matplotlib, NumPy, Pandas, and Scikit-learn, enhancing its versatility and application in different areas.
  • Noble Desktop offers a range of Python training options, including the Python Programming Bootcamp and the Python Developer Certificate program, amongst others.
  • Job growth in areas requiring Python skills, like software development and data science, is projected to increase by over 20% between 2020 and 2030, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
  • Learning methods for Python are diverse, including live classes, self-paced courses, blogs, and video tutorials, allowing individuals to find an approach that fits their needs and schedule.
  • Aside from the cost of training, Python is a free resource, making it an accessible tool for individuals and companies alike.

Python is among the most popular programming languages in the world, and it sits atop many lists as number one. Along with JavaScript and C, Python remains an essential tool for professionals ranging from Web Developers to Data Scientists. It’s also widely considered the best language for programming novices.

In this overview, you’ll learn more about what Python is, what it can do, who uses it, and how to learn it to determine how to add this skill to your professional toolkit. Whether you want to master Python as your main programming language or learn it as part of a broader data science curriculum, putting Python at the top of your priority list makes good business sense.

A Brief History of Python

Dutch programmer Guido van Rossum developed Python in the late 1980s, originally conceiving it as an improved version of the ABC programming language. By the mid-1990s, Van Rossum had co-authored the book Internet Programming with Python, which remained the only available full-length text about the Python language for many years.

Python grew in popularity over time and eventually became a primary choice for web development, prototyping, scripting, data analysis, and machine learning. Beginning in the early 2000s, Python’s open-source ecosystem began to grow in popularity even among major corporations. Tech firms that have implemented Python include Google, Cisco, Dropbox, IBM, and Mozilla.

As a general-purpose programming language, Python’s worldwide popularity continues to grow. Thanks to its easy syntax and versatility, Python libraries and frameworks provide excellent starting points for development and data pros, both in beginner-level and intermediate roles. And while beginners find Python easy to learn, many tech professionals consider it a high-level programming language, too.

What Can You Do with Python?

Python for Data Science Bootcamp: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, Learn From Experts, Free Retake, Small Class Sizes,  1-on-1 Bonus Training. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

Python is a versatile language with a host of applications, but the most well-known include:

  • Data Science - Data science extends to numerous industries, and using Python to understand data is paramount. Python libraries like NumPy and Matplotlib enable Data Scientists and other professionals to use visualization to gain insights into data. Additional top Python libraries include TensorFlow, SciPy, Pandas, and Scikit-learn.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning (ML) - Machine Learning Engineers and Architects use Python to build models. At the same time, AI Engineers and Architects may need this essential programming language for everything from assessing AI solutions to advanced automation.
  • Web Development - The use of Python in web development goes back to its beginnings. Frameworks like Django and Flask have famously provided web development for household name companies like Instagram, Dropbox, and Pinterest. Tech pros, including Developers, report that Python is easy to integrate with other languages like C/C++ and Java. Other top frameworks include Bottle, CherryPy, and Dash.
  • Game Development - Frameworks for game development include Pygame, PyKyra, and Panda3D, but there are numerous others. Python continues to support the gaming industry in meaningful ways.
  • Enterprise Applications - Enterprise-grade apps built with Python include leading technology stacks like Netflix, Microsoft, and Spotify.

How Much Does Python Cost?

While some programming languages and software programs come with a free trial, Python is 100% to use and distribute for private or commercial purposes. Python’s open-source license means an entire universe of libraries can be used free of charge.

Open-source coding languages and libraries have become top resources for companies worldwide, and not merely because they’re free. The communities that develop around these projects provide an inexhaustible supply of tools, like online forums, to help beginners, and even more advanced users get the most out of their software or language. Other popular open-source projects include JavaScript, PHP, and C#.

The Python Package Index (PyPI) includes packages, or software bundles, ranging from trending projects to new releases. Python libraries like Django and Matplotlib are also free, as is Matplotlib’s numerical extension, NumPy.

Additional resources popular among Python users include:

  • Anaconda - Anaconda offers an open-source version of its data science platform, and it’s a great way to install Python and R.
  • Jupyter Notebook - An open-source computing platform, Jupyter is primarily used for collaboration among users. Heavy commercial users may be asked to pay a monthly service charge.
  • Google Colab - One alternative to Jupyter is Google’s cloud-based Colab. While either Colab or Jupyter Notebook may be the best alternative for certain situations, Colab offers additional features like file sharing and syncing.

What Are the Benefits of Learning Python?

One of the world's most popular open-source programming languages, Python remains essential for nearly every industry, including public and private sector roles. Academia, electronics, government, manufacturing, and media are among the top areas where Python reigns. Python is an in-demand skill not only for Python Developers but also for Data Scientists, Software Engineers, Financial Analysts, and Cybersecurity Analysts.

Learning about Python fundamentals like scripts, modules, and variables prepares you for learning frameworks like Django and Flask, and libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib. As companies become more data-driven, the need for data visualization tools and the move to artificial intelligence and machine learning make Python one of the most attractive, flexible tools.

Read more about why you should learn Python.

Python Careers

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, job growth for Software Developers, Quality Assurance Analysts, and Testers will increase by more than 20% between 2020 and 2030. With many positions requiring computer programming skills, Python will undoubtedly continue to top lists of the most popular languages, vying with C/C++ and Java for the number one position.

Data science, FinTech, and cybersecurity will continue to grow rapidly in the 2020s. Whether markets go up or down or cybersecurity threats rise or fall, more and more positions in these fields will open over the next decade. These fields almost always require solid Python skills and areas like cloud expertise, DevOps, and data visualization.

With Developers, in particular, Python rules the roost. The language’s ease of use may be the most apparent reason, but many of these positions also demand skills in other languages like JavaScript, SQL, and C/C++. Python proves the most attractive entry point for students new to programming, whether their ultimate goal includes a role in back end web development, software engineering, or machine learning.

How to Learn Python

Python beginners often find various ways to learn this essential programming language. While some professionals benefit from college or university programs, others get their training quickly in a matter of months or even weeks. Online or in-person courses, including bootcamps and certificate programs, have become one of the most popular methods to learn Python. And many novices start with free online resources like blog posts and video tutorials.

You can find a host of Python Training options either held in-person or live online through teleconferencing using Noble Desktop’s Classes Near Me tool. Here you’ll find everything from a Data Science Bootcamp and FinTech Bootcamp to machine learning (ML) classes and algorithmic training. Live online courses offer benefits similar to in-person training, but participants can learn from the comfort of home.

While not as popular as the intensive bootcamp model, learning Python through self-paced training has become a viable option thanks to the many courses available on-demand through providers like Noble Desktop. These programs often focus on an attendee’s level of learning, which may include beginner (“apprentice”), intermediate (“journeyman”), or advanced.

Many Python learners begin with free tutorials and videos. It makes sense that novices should learn a few things about their subject before committing to a paid program. Start with Noble Desktop’s YouTube channel, which offers an entire playlist of Python, data science, and SQL webinars and tutorials. Blog posts provide significant benefits for those who learn best by reading, and Noble’s Python Blog hosts valuable information as well.

Read the full guide on how to learn Python.

Comparable Programming Languages

In the minds of many professionals, Python towers above its competition. Data Scientists, Financial Analysts, and, of course, Python Developers use this essential programming language for various tasks: from website development to data visualization. But it only makes sense to compare and contrast Python with other top programming languages like JavaScript or C/C++. How do they stack up next to Python?

JavaScript provides one interesting contrast. While both Python and JavaScript have become general programming languages, professionals find uses for both—sometimes even within the same application. Many pros use JavaScript for front end development and Python for back end development. And whereas Python may have more uses than JavaScript overall, JavaScript tends to get more use for mobile development as well.

Both JavaScript and Python can be relatively easy for beginners to learn. Students who don’t learn Python as their first programming language will most likely learn JavaScript first. Python is currently the favorite for machine learning, but that can also change.

Tech stacks depend on a variety of factors, including the availability of staff, whether the project is in the public or private sector, and other considerations. Comparing Python and JavaScript is a bit like comparing apples to oranges. They can supplement each other, but in the long run, many professionals find they benefit from learning both, not one over the other.

Learn Python with Hands-on Training at Noble Desktop

Noble Desktop offers multiple ways to learn Python, both in-person and online through teleconferencing. They provide Python training as an essential component of areas like data science and analytics, FinTech, cybersecurity, and web development. Their Python Programming Bootcamp offers hands-on Python training in an immersive environment. Beginners learn Python fundamentals in this 30-hour bootcamp, where participants develop project-based coding portfolios. Graduates receive a verified Certificate of Completion and can retake the course for up to a year at no additional charge.

Students can save by taking the Python Programming Bootcamp as part of Noble’s Python Developer Certificate program. The curriculum for this certificate includes a 60-hour unit on Python Web Development with Django. In this intensive course, you’ll learn about URL dispatchers and automation, along with GitHub and SQL. Attendees should have some experience with HTML and CSS before enrolling.

Additional courses featuring Python include Noble Desktop’s Python for Data Science Bootcamp, FinTech Bootcamp, and Data Science Certificate program. Students planning careers in data science, data analytics, cybersecurity, or financial analysis should consider enrolling in one of these programs to get comprehensive Python training.

Key Insights

  • Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. It’s an open-source language, which means users get free access to Python.
  • Python offers a wide array of libraries and frameworks, including Matplotlib, NumPy, Pandas, and Scikit-learn. These can be applied in areas like web development, data science, and artificial intelligence.
  • Top programs to learn Python include Noble Desktop courses like:
  • There are numerous methods to learn Python, such as live classes, self-paced seminars, blogs, and video tutorials. Students can combine these methods in a way that aligns with their professional goals and personal commitments.

How to Learn Python

Master Python with hands-on training. Python is a popular object-oriented programming language used for data science, machine learning, and web development. 

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