What is Django?

Discover how learning Django, a free, open-source Python web framework, can boost your career in web development, data science, and more. This feature-rich Python framework is used by professionals in various roles, offering the potential for higher salaries and career advancement.

Key Insights

  • Django, developed in 2003, is a free, open-source Python web framework that remains one of the most popular of its kind due to its reliability, speed, and security.
  • It is highly favoured for streamlining web application development by eliminating repetitive tasks through reusable components.
  • Django is regularly used by professionals like Python Developers, Data Scientists, Software Engineers, Back End Web Developers, and Full Stack Developers.
  • These positions often offer annual salaries upwards of $100,000, making Django a valuable skill in the tech industry.
  • Despite being a stand-alone skill, Django is most effective when learned alongside other coding skills due to its complex syntax.
  • Learning Django can be challenging without guidance, making instructor-led classes with hands-on projects a favourable learning method.
  • Noble Desktop provides comprehensive Django training through both in-person and live online courses.

Django is a free, open-source Python web framework that streamlines web development. In 2003, a small team of developers at the daily news company Lawrence Journal-World invented Django to help manage the company’s multiple news sites. Today, this Python framework standardizes web design, security, and website navigation. Django’s emphasis on reusing components spares developers time and effort otherwise wasted on repetitive tasks, allowing for shorter deadlines and an optimized workflow. 

Django empowers web development teams to build web applications and websites rapidly and securely. When teams have the power to increase scalability and still meet deadlines, teams and businesses can grow and advance, making Django skills a valuable part of web development. Django is used by Data Scientists, Python Developers, Full Stack Developers, Back End Web Developers, and more. Learning Django can help you to start or advance a software engineering or web development career. 

In this overview, you’ll learn more about what Django is, what it can do, who uses it, and how to learn it so you can determine how to add this skill to your professional toolbox.

What Can You Do with Django?

Wondering what you can do with Django? Django has numerous use cases for web development, data science, and more. Django can build all sorts of websites, including a Content Management System (CMS), news site, social media platform, and more. 

Python objects called models allow Django web applications to query and manage data. Django’s simple query API allows the associated database to be searched, enabling complex statements. 

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Django’s template systems allow developers to define an output document’s structure. It delivers content in nearly any format, including RSS feeds, HTML, XML, and JSON. Django supports its native templating system, the Jinja2 Python library out of the box, and can also be modified to support other systems. 

Other things you can do with Django include: 

  • Collecting user data with HTML forms
  • Manage a user permission and authentication system
  • Create an administration site
  • Serialize data

How Do You Download/Get Django? How Much Does it Cost?

As an open-source framework, you can download/get Django for free. “Open-source” refers to software, programming languages, and frameworks for which the original code may be freely accessed, shared, and modified. Developers around the world contribute to Django advancement by discussing development and making proposals through the Django Project.

While you can freely install and use Django, publishing the websites you build requires a web-hosting service such as WordPress. You can often start a website for free but will require a subscription to publish the website or to unlock more advanced tools and features.

To download Django, start by installing or updating Python on your computer. Next, install Apache and mod_wsgi, which you will use to manage Django on a production site. 

Django’s database API functionality requires running a database server such as Oracle, MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, or MariaDB. After this, proceed to install a distribution-specific package, an official release using pip, or a development version. 

You can find detailed instructions for installing Django here.

What Are the Benefits of Learning Django?

Django is a free, open-source web framework that uses the Python coding language. Learning Django can advance your career as a Web Developer, Data Scientist, or Software Engineer. These jobs typically earn an estimated $80,000 to upwards of $100,000 annually and show strong demand growth for the coming decade. For example, the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that data science jobs will see an astounding 36% growth in demand from 2021 through 2031.

Development teams use Django to work quickly, increase scalability, and create secure web applications. Learning Django provides you with a versatile skill set applicable to various industries, including technology, healthcare, finance, and more.

Read more about why you should learn Django

Django Careers

Django is a Python web framework that professionals in various roles use to build websites, automate tasks, interact with APIs, and deploy projects using Git. Different jobs require very different use cases for Django. For example, a Data Scientist would primarily use Django to sort and analyze data. On the other hand, a Web Developer might use Django to automate an RSS feed, as Spotify does. Careers that use Django include: 

  • Django Developers 
  • Full Stack Web Developers
  • Python Developers
  • Back End Python Developers
  • Back End Web Developers
  • Software Engineers
  • Web Programmers
  • Infrastructure Developers
  • Data Scientists

Django was first developed in 2003 to manage the constant stream of new content published to the Lawrence World-Journal’s family of news sites. A web framework that began in the publishing industry now powers ecommerce sites, healthcare applications, social media platforms, content management systems, document management systems, and more. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that demand for positions such as Web Developers and Software Engineers will increase by 23 to 25% from 2021 through 2031, making Django a valuable skill for those in the technology sector.

How to Learn Django

Live classes include in-person and live online courses. Both class types are led by an expert instructor in real time. In-person Django classes benefit students by providing the equipment needed for the coursework and an opportunity to network with local professionals. Live online Django classes offer similar real-time feedback from an instructor but have the added advantage of letting students learn from any remote location. Remote access also allows students more choices regarding class subjects and schedules.

Some online Django courses use an on-demand model, also known as an asynchronous schedule. With this model, students self-pace through the course. This offers maximum flexibility as to how quickly students advance, when students complete assignments, and offers the opportunity to review material at any point. Disadvantages of the on-demand learning model include a lack of access to an instructor and a potentially outdated curriculum. Some courses offer office hours or email support for students to reach out to instructors, but this method of receiving feedback is slow and unreliable. This can make completing assignments and advancing through subjects difficult and frustrating.

Free resources such as learning hubs and video demonstrations provide an excellent way to learn more about a topic before committing to a paid course. Noble Desktop’s free Introduction to Python Fundamentals seminar and on-demand videos about Python coding provide an excellent introduction to the topic. For a deeper dive, Noble’s Django Learning Hub and Python Learning Hub feature articles, tutorials, and resources to help you explore Python and Django training options. You can also use Noble’s Classes Near Me tool to find in-person and virtual Django classes

Read the full guide on how to learn Django.

A Brief History of Django

In 2003, developers Adrian Holovaty and Simon Willison created Django. The two developers used this web-based Python framework to develop the Lawrence Journal-World’s web applications. Lawrence Journal-World maintained multiple news sites which featured constant streams of new content. By creating Django, Holovaty and Willison streamlined the web application development process. The founders named the framework after Django Reinhardt, a famous jazz guitarist. 

The public gained access to Django in 2005 when it became an open-source, free Python web framework. Making the framework available to developers everywhere benefited the public and allowed developers worldwide to contribute to the web framework’s advancement. 

Almost twenty years after its creation, Django remains one of the most popular Python web frameworks. This is partly thanks to the public input that results in the framework’s continuous improvement. These improvements are managed by the Django Software Foundation (DSF), which was formed in 2008 to maintain Django development. Today, this nonprofit foundation manages the official Django forum, official Django documentation, and more.

Comparable Web Frameworks

A popular alternative to Django is Flask. Like Django, Flask is an open-source, free Python framework. Key differences between these comparable web frameworks include: 

  • Flask supports APIs, while Django does not.
  • Django supports dynamic HTML pages, while Flask does not.
  • Flask uses a diversified work style. Django uses a Monolithic work style.
  • Django is a full stack Web framework. Flask is a WSGI framework. 

Together, Flask and Django hold the top two spots for most popular Python web frameworks. 

Flask is often used for small-scale websites. Other Python microframeworks suitable for smaller web applications include Bottle and CherryPy. 

Bottle is a WSGI web framework distributed as a single file module. It has no dependencies outside of the Python Standard Library. Bottle uses a built-in template engine and a built-in HTTP development server. This flexible framework allows developers to integrate third-party templating engines, including Jinja2, Mako, and Cheetah. Developers primarily use Bottle for building APIs. 

The object-oriented web development framework CherryPy is known for its simplicity and minimalism. Developers primarily use CherryPy to create Python-based portable database-driven web applications. CherryPy provides Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete (CRUD) functionalities. This framework’s use of minimal lines to create source code results in faster development time. This open-source framework began in 2002 and has more than twenty years of use and advancements to its credit.

Pyramid is a framework used by Dropbox, Mozilla, Yelp, and SurveyMonkey. Developers use this flexible, lightweight framework to build web applications, manage quick prototyping, and work on API projects. 

Falcon is a Python WSGI library used for rapid back end development. Developers use Falcon for Web API, micro web services, the back ends of large-scale applications, and web sockets. It is similar to the Django REST framework in that it promotes the usage of REST architecture. The Falcon framework offers high performance with a minimal code base.

Another alternative to Django is TurboGears. Like Django, TurboGears is a full stack framework for web development and uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. TurboGears consists of several WSGI components, including WebOb, Genshi, and SQLAlchemy. Starting with version 2.3, TurboGears can act as a microframework for environments not requiring the whole stack. 

Web2py is another open-source, web-based Python framework. It allows you to manage apps using your browser and does not require any prerequisites for installation. Web2py’s only dependencies are within the Python standard library. Web developers use this agile development framework to build dynamic web content.

CubicWeb is a semantic web application framework that allows developers to reuse components called cubes. Like Django, CubicWeb emphasizes reusability to increase web development efficiency, save developers time, and increase scalability. CubicWeb is favored for data-centric applications. This framework includes Relational Query Language (RQL), a compact language that simplifies data-related queries. CubicWeb uses standard SQL databases to store and manage data. 

Other alternatives to Django include non-Python frameworks such as Ruby on Rails, Node.JS, EmberJS, Gin, Angular, Next.JS, Laravel, Symfony, and CodeIgnitor. Django beats Ruby on Rails regarding ease of use, scalability, and security. Microframeworks like Flask also cannot replicate the complexity and robustness of Django’s full stack framework. 

Django’s popularity shows no signs of decline. Its scalability, security, and rapid development make it a valuable framework for many use cases, making it a crucial and highly desirable skill for Python Developers, Web Developers, and more. One of Django’s few disadvantages is its steep learning curve. Instructor-led classes provide the guidance and expertise to learn Django step by step. Django classes with real-world projects empower students to master Django through practical application, which reinforces the principles learned by developing a student’s skills and results in a professional portfolio that demonstrates the student’s abilities.

Learn Django with Hands-on Training at Noble Desktop

Learning Django not only requires learning the principles and applications of this framework but applying those concepts to real-world, hands-on projects. In-person and live online Django classes provide the opportunity to put theory into practice. Courses led by an instructor also grant you direct access to an expert that can help you overcome obstacles, answer your questions, and provide mentorship as you develop your Django skills.

You can learn Django with Noble Desktop’s hands-on training options like the Software Engineering Bootcamp, Python Developer Certificate, the Python Django Development course, and other Python classes and bootcamps

The Software Engineering and Python Developer certificate programs teach Django as part of a broader curriculum. The Software Engineering Certificate prepares students to become Full Stack Developers or Software Engineers with sections dedicated to front end development, JavaScript development, and Python development with Django. The Python Developer Certificate teaches beginners to use Django, Django REST, Git, SQL, and more. 

Students already familiar with Python but wishing for a deeper dive into Django can enroll in the Python Django Development course. This class covers the fundamentals of Django and how to use Django REST, which is used to build web APIs.

Noble’s small class sizes ensure you receive personal feedback from your instructor. Courses include free retakes and offer flexible payment plans so you can finance your new career without paying the full tuition upfront. Certificate courses also include one-on-one mentorship and the creation of professional portfolios to help you find a job in your new field.

Key Insights

  • Django is a free, open-source Python web framework created in 2003. 
  • Django remains one of the top Python web frameworks. 
  • It is favored for its reliability, speed, and security.
  • Developers use Django to streamline the development of multiple secure and reliable websites and web applications.
  • The framework emphasizes eliminating repetitive tasks through the use of reusable components.
  • Django is used by Python Developers, Data Scientists, Software Engineers, Back End Web Developers, Full Stack Developers, and more. 
  • Many of these jobs come with yearly salaries of $100,000 or more.
  • Django is one of many Pythonic web frameworks, so it is best to learn Django as one of several valuable skills in your coding toolkit.
  • Learning Django alone can prove difficult due to its syntax and other challenges.
  • Classes with expert instructors and hands-on projects provide guidance and real-world experience when learning this framework.
  • You can receive comprehensive Django training through an in-person or live online course with Noble Desktop.

How to Learn Django

Master Django with hands-on training. Django is a popular Python web framework used for back end development.

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