Considering a career in data analytics? It's crucial to understand the skills and training needed to make it in this rapidly growing field, including knowledge of data storage, mining, statistical analysis, business analytics, and more.

Key Insights

  • Data analytics involves understanding how to collect, clean, analyze, and visualize large sets of data. Skills in data storage, data mining, statistical analysis, data visualization, business analytics and reporting are highly valued in this field.
  • Common data storage systems used by Data Analysts include MySQL, Apache Hadoop and NoSQL databases.
  • Important tools for data mining include Oracle, KNIME, Rapid Miner and SAS Enterprise Miner.
  • R, MATLAB and Microsoft Excel are commonly used tools for statistical analysis in data analytics.
  • Data Analysts often use Tableau, Infogram, Zoho Analytics and Google Charts for creating effective data visualizations.
  • In the realm of business analytics and data reporting, QlikView, Microsoft Power BI and Jupyter Notebook are widely used tools.
  • Soft skills such as communication, problem-solving, teamwork and a strong work ethic are essential for success as a Data Analyst.

What is Data Analytics?

Each day, huge amounts of data are created. This onslaught has led to a corresponding need for those with data analytics training to make sense of it all. This is why many exciting and high-paying career opportunities are currently available for Data Analysts.

If you’re considering a career in data analytics, it’s important to have the proper qualifications and skill-set to get the attention of employers. This article will explore what kind of training and skills a Data Analyst needs for a successful career.

What Skills Are Needed for a Career in Data Analytics?

Those working with data must wear many hats; they have to have an understanding of how to collect and clean data, patience for analyzing large sets of data, a knack for storytelling, and a passion for finding ways to visualize their findings so that they can be shared with others and ultimately acted upon. The following are some of the main skills, tools, and types of training employers value when deciding whether to hire Data Analysts.

Data Storage

Modern data storage has been around for nearly one hundred years. In the time since, it has evolved from storing information magnetically on tape to the vast database management systems and cloud storage options currently used to retain digital data.

Here are a few of the most common ways data is being stored in 2022 that Data Analysts use regularly:

Data Mining

Data mining involves uncovering relationships and patterns in large datasets. This advanced form of data analysis draws from AI, statistics, and machine learning to help users locate important information. Those who are skilled at data mining can offer their organization insights about customer needs, as well as suggestions for how to cut down on costs and increase revenue.

Here are a few data mining tools that Data Analyst are working with in 2022:

Statistical Analysis

Statistics plays an integral role in the data analytics process. It provides users with a means for collecting, reviewing, and analyzing data, as well as a way to draw conclusions from this data and ultimately make better business decisions. Applying statistical methods to data analytics is a vital component, one that fuels new discoveries, informs the decision-making process, and helps predict what is to come.

The following list contains some of the currently most-used statistical tools for data analytics:

Data Visualization

One of the most useful skills available for presenting complicated material in an accessible way is data visualization. Presenting data in a visual manner makes it easier to understand and faster to process, even for those who aren’t mathematically inclined or trained in analytics. These visual representations of data are not just visually appealing, they also tell a story about the information, allowing audience members to spot outliers, notice trends, and see patterns emerge from data. Visually conveying points is a powerful way to leverage data in order to achieve the desired outcome.

The following are some of the most-used data visualization platforms currently used by Data Analysts:

Business Analytics & Data Reporting

Business analytics is a subset of business intelligence. It is involved with using methods such as predictive analytics, statistical analysis, and data mining in order to find useful information in large datasets. This information is helpful for identifying and predicting trends and various outcomes, which can be reported and shared with stakeholders in order to facilitate better decision-making.

The following list includes some of the most powerful tools for business analytics and data reporting Data Analysts are using in 2022:

Soft Skills

In addition to technical, creative, business, and mathematical skills, most employers looking to hire Data Analysts also seek out employees who also possess the following soft skills:

Other Skills

In addition to the above-mentioned skill-sets that are important for aspiring Data Analysts, it’s also crucial to have real-world experience as well, such as:

Although it’s not essential to have knowledge of all the applications, platforms, and skills mentioned above to be a successful Data Analyst, the more training you have, and the better you are at communicating your findings, the more likely you will be to succeed in data analytics.

Start Learning Data Analytics with Hands-On Classes

For those who want to learn more about how to process, analyze, and ultimately visualize big data, Noble Desktop’s data analytics classes are a great starting point. Courses are offered in New York City, as well as in the live online format in topics like Excel, Python, data science, and data analytics technologies, among others.

In addition, more than 170 live online data analytics courses are also available in data analytics and visualization from top providers. Topics offered include FinTech, Excel for Business, and Tableau, among others. Courses range from three hours to nine months and cost from $229 to $60,229.

Additionally, Noble’s Data Analytics Classes Near Me tool provides an easy way to locate and browse more than 420 data analytics classes currently offered in in-person and live online formats. This helpful tool allows users to search for learning options near home in a variety of data analytics-specific areas. Course lengths vary from three hours to nine months and cost $119-$60,229.