Git Going: An Intro to Git & GitHub Book

Step-by-Step Training Workbook: Using Git & GitHub in Visual Studio Code (Learn to Track Code Changes & Collaborate With Other Developers)

Git can seem mysterious at first, in part because many people use the command line to run Git. Instead of scary terminal commands, we’ll teach you how to use Git within Visual Studio Code (the popular free code editor). This makes using Git much easier and more user friendly. 

In this book we’ll demystify Git and explain the typical workflows you’ll encounter. We’ll cover the most commonly used Git features to get you up and running quickly.

While in-depth explanations can be useful (and there is plenty of Git documentation freely available online), this book focuses on the essential features you most often use. We don’t want to overly complicate things and go over every Git command, so we’ll keep things as simple as possible and focus on giving you just enough features to get you starting using Git as quickly as possible.

Includes Downloadable Class Files (works on Mac & PC)

Setup & Introduction
Downloading the Class Files
About Git
Before You Begin
  • Installing Visual Studio Code
Section 1
Download & Install Git on Mac & Windows
Git Setup: Your Name & Email
Create a New Local Git Repository (Initialize Repository)
Stage & Commit Files
Section 2
GitHub: Push to a Remote Repository
GitHub: Pull From a Remote Repository
GitHub: Clone (Download) a Remote Repository
Section 3
How to Handle Merge Conflicts
View a List of Commits & Undo Changes
Branches: Create, Switch, Push, Merge, & Delete
Reference Material
Quick Reference of Common Git Workflows
GitHub: Pull Requests
Create a ReadMe File
Ignore Files with .gitignore

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Examples of What You Learn

  • What Git is and how to integrate it into your workflow
  • How Git works in Visual Studio Code (a popular free code editor)
  • How to track changes in your code using Git
  • Working with other developers to merge your changes with theirs
  • Installing and setting up Git
  • Git commands such as commit, push, pull, branch, merge, checkout, and more
  • Work with remote Git repositories on GitHub
  • Work with branches and merging code changes

Why Our Books Are Unique

Our books are packed with step-by-step exercises that walk you through projects. You’ll learn by doing exercises, not reading long explanations. The goal is to give you hands-on practice with the program, getting you started quickly with the things that are most important for real life work.

demonstration of different book formats: print, kindle, & mobile devices

Get this workbook as part of the Git Going: An Intro to Git & GitHub

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