Responsive Web Design

Designing & Coding Websites That Respond to Mobile, Tablet & Beyond

Noble Desktop

Right/Left Arrows Change Slides (or Swipe Right/Left)
Esc zooms out (or Pinch)

Responsive design is not about ‘designing for mobile’. But it’s not about ‘designing for the desktop’, either. Rather, it’s about adopting a more flexible, device-agnostic approach

Ethan Marcotte author of Responsive Web Design


So How Does it Work?

CSS Media Queries

Media Queries

Do not automatically make sites work on various devices!

They allow you to test for the following,
but you must adapt the layout with CSS:

  • Device screen width/height
  • Screen resolution
  • Device orientation
  • More

Live Demo

The media query

body { background: red; }

@media (max-width: 320px) {
  body { background: orange; }

Screens 0 to 320px:
body’s background will be orange instead of red
(overrides the first rule)

Screens Larger than 320px:
body’s background will be red

Ways to Use Media Queries

1. Within a CSS file or <style> tag

@media (max-width: 768px) {
    /* your css goes here */

2. When linking to a CSS file

<link media="(max-width: 768px)" href="tablet.css" rel="stylesheet">

3. Within a CSS file via @import

@import url("tablet.css") (max-width: 768px);

Previewing & Testing

Test on real devices

Nothing beats holding a device and touching the site:

  • Is the type legible?
  • How far do you need to reach to tap something?
  • How well does the device respond?

The Viewport

  • Small devices assume sites are designed for desktops.
  • They render the page on a large viewport (980px) and scale it down to fit a small screen. Apple’s viewport description &
  • Assuming a viewport of 980px, media queries for small screens (like 320px) won’t apply!
  • Must tell them the viewport width = width of the device

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">

Flexible Images

Remove the width and height from the image:

<img src="image.png">

Ensure the image scales if it’s too large:

img {
    max-width: 100%;

Live Demo

Responsive Image Tips

Flexible Video

Shrinking down a desktop site reveals content issues


Ask “What content is important and what isn’t?”

UX: User Experience is Important

Make it easy & enjoyable for people to use.

Old Design (had to tap for reviews & tips) Redesigned Just scroll down for reviews & tips

RWD starts to influence everything from the ground up


…or Mobile up

Mobile First

Websites and applications should be designed and built for mobile first.

“Mobile First” — Luke Wroblewski

Also check out his Designing for Mobile First Video

Going mobile first:

  • Forces you to focus and prioritize [...] by embracing the constraints inherent in mobile design
  • Allows you to deliver innovative experiences by building on new capabilities native to mobile devices

“Mobile First” — Luke Wroblewski

Mobile First Design

  • If mobile is a larger audience, why not design for them first?
  • Work out priorities and UX issues on mobile, then build up to larger devices.
  • Trying to squishing a desktop site down to fit smaller devices can bring up issues that may affect the desktop design.
  • Design across screen sizes early on. Keep things flexible and mockup multiple sizes sooner rather than later.

Mobile First Development

It can be easier to build up, rather than tear down.

Tearing down (Desktop Down)

.column {
  float: left;
@media (max-width: 320px) {
  .column {
    float: none;

Building up (Mobile First)

@media (min-width: 321px) {
  .column {
    float: left;

Content Optimization Across Devices


People will get frustrated if they can’t find information on mobile if they know it exists on desktop.

How do we fit this into our process?

Become cyclical...
No, that doesn’t say cynical :)

[the design process] is about designing and prototyping and making.
When you separate those, I think the final result suffers.

Jonathan Ive

Moving to code faster. Why?

  • A static picture of a website is not as helpful as seeing how it reacts to its environment
  • Save time by finding unexpected problems faster


Grid systems

  • For Designers: Guides for column widths and gutters that help keep designs consistent and aligned.
  • For Developers: A collection of prebuilt CSS rules that allow you to apply grid-like layouts to HTML


  • Many designers (web and print) already design on grids.
  • Helps organize content & promotes modular thinking.
  • Helps build a common language between designers & developers.
  • Develop/Code Faster: The grid in a designer’s graphics app can be more quickly translated into a CSS grid.

Grid Systems

Already responsive.
Many have prebuilt CSS buttons and components.

Examples of Prebuilt Grid Systems:
Bootstrap, Foundation, and Skeleton

Free Bootstrap PSD Templates

Free Sketch Template

The challenge of responsive design is to be simultaneously agnostic and considerate of the environment in which it’s viewed.

- @brad_frost

Thinking Points

  • Desktop down can perpetuate desktop thinking
  • Constant designer/developer interactions can be helpful for problem solving
  • Consider moving to code faster
  • Focus on the content and user experience.

Learn More

Photoshop for Web & UI

Coding for Designers
2-hour beginner seminar

Mobile & Responsive Web Design
18-hours: coding experience required

Responsive Email

Noble Desktop