Top Courses at Dickson's Farmstand Meats

Find the perfect course for you at Dickson's Farmstand Meats. We’ve selected 3 of Dickson's Farmstand Meats’s most popular courses. View the course catalog at

  • Breaking Beef: An In Depth Tour of the Steer

    This course offers a comprehensive explanation of the anatomy of a steer, demonstrating how to identify, properly cut, and prepare a variety of cuts. By the end of the class, you'll be equipped to butcher and prepare a full side of beef and will have gained an understanding of the uses for cuts of various parts of the steer.

    • NYC
    • $85
    • 1 Hour
    • See provider
    • All Levels
  • Whole Hog Butchery

    In this course, participants will receive hands-on experience in whole hog butchery, with a particular focus on the cuts suitable for charcuterie. Under expert guidance, attendees will engage in the process of breaking down a whole pig, learning about the different cuts of meat and how each can be used to create charcuterie products. It's a valuable opportunity for those interested in understanding more about the art of butchering and charcuterie.

    • NYC
    • $85
    • 1 Hour
    • See provider
    • All Levels
  • Linked In: Sausage Making 101

    This course introduces participants to the art of making homemade sausage under the expert guidance of Brian. Attendees will gain hands-on experience in sausage preparation, learning skills such as grinding, seasoning, and stuffing. Additionally, they will receive knowledge on cooking, serving suggestions, and preserving homemade sausage.

    • NYC
    • $85
    • 1 Hour
    • See provider
    • All Levels

showing 3 of 3 courses