Top Courses at Broadway Bound Kids

Find the perfect course for you at Broadway Bound Kids. We’ve selected 2 of Broadway Bound Kids’s most popular courses. View the course catalog at

  • Your Broadway Moment! (3rd-6th)

    This course gives children in grades 3-6 a chance to explore the world of musical theater. Through singing, dancing, and acting, they can create their own Broadway moment and learn the basics of musical theatre performance. Each session culminates with the students putting on a show for their family and friends.

    • NYC
    • $999
    • 2 Weeks, 35 hr/wk
    • See provider
    • All Levels
  • Your Broadway Moment! (7th-12th)

    This course offers a chance to experience the joy of Broadway singing and performing. Participants will learn all aspects of music performance through in-class instruction and vocal coaching, such as vocal techniques, projection, and microphone etiquette. At the end of the course, they can confidently take the stage and showcase their newfound knowledge and experience.

    • NYC
    • $999
    • 2 Weeks, 35 hr/wk
    • See provider
    • All Levels

showing 2 of 2 courses