Top Courses at Bitter & Esters

Find the perfect course for you at Bitter & Esters. We’ve selected 3 of Bitter & Esters’s most popular courses. View the course catalog at

  • Recipe Design: Theory & Practice

    This recipe design course provides participants with an in-depth exploration of the theory and practice of creating delicious recipes. Through hands-on demonstrations and lectures, participants will learn essential techniques for developing a successful dish from planning to plating. This exciting class offers an opportunity for a novice chef to hone their recipe development skills.

    • NYC
    • $75
    • 2 Hours
    • See provider
    • Advanced
  • Brewshop 101: Home Brewing Essentials

    This course is designed to provide an essential introduction to the basics of home brewing. Students will learn all of the basics including the necessary equipment for preparing and fermenting beer, the ingredients involved, the different brewing techniques, the sanitization process, and more. This in-depth course will provide participants with the skills and knowledge needed to start their home brewing projects.

    • NYC
    • $25
    • 2 Hours
    • See provider
    • Beginner
  • Brewshop 501: All-Grain Brewing

    This course covers the fundamentals of beer brewing, an introduction to brewing equipment, and a deep dive into the all-grain brewing process. Participants will learn how to make beer from start to finish, including mashing, sparging, boiling, and fermenting. You will also gain an understanding of the ingredients used in beer brewing and the roles they play.

    • NYC
    • $75
    • 2 Hours
    • See provider
    • Intermediate

showing 3 of 3 courses